
The meaning of your meaning: your Sagittarius horoscope for 2021

Sagittarius horoscope 2021


The Meaning of Your Meaning

November 22 - December 21

This year has the potential to be of great intellectual interest to you, Sagittarius. With the eclipses in May, June and December illuminating the opposition between your sign and Gemini, new vantage points are available to explore the relationship between the meaning and beliefs you have crafted and applied to your life and how they impact the perceptual lens you navigate your daily reality through.

Part of the unfurling from the eclipses may revolve around how your beliefs shape your identity. Do they include or preclude other points of view? Do they narrow your outlook on life, the self and others or do they expand your horizons and lead you to understand there are many ways to walk through the world and there are many different expressions of meaning and truth to be found within existence? Is there room for curiosity and questioning?

The highest expression of your sign understands that Truth and The Answer is a multi-faceted diamond rather than a highway with a sign that says ‘My Way’ on entry. Collectively speaking, these eclipses will really act as a pressure cooker for all of this. The lower expression of both Sagittarius and Gemini is something we are all witnessing more of collectively – I am right and you are wrong, my truth is THE truth, my opinions and ideologies and the sustenance and belonging that I derive from them are more important than facts. None of this is particularly healthy.

Both Saturn and Jupiter will be hanging out in your third house of communication this year, which in a sense, presents a similar theme. Saturn will work to strengthen the foundation of your mind, working to level up and refine your communicative abilities while Jupiter offers new perspectives, mental optimism and something you are already very familiar with; experiential learning. Saturn is formal education while Jupiter is about learning on the job, both are at your disposal.


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