On 21 July, during the final moments of Cancer season, our Full Moon arrives. Peaking at 8:17pm AEST, the Moon will be just sitting at the edge of Capricorn and will move into Aquarius just a few hours later.
This Moon is also known as The Buck Moon. Like most of the traditional names given to Full Moons, this name is derived from the seasonal markers experienced by European, colonial American and Native American peoples. The Full Moon that occurs in July marked the point where male deer would have fully grown antlers. Thus it became known as The Buck Moon.
What to expect from July's Full Moon in Capricorn
As the energetic crest of the Moon Cycle, the Full Moon can be a time of deep intensity. Moodiness, high-energy and untamed behaviour is all associated with this lunar moment. Of course, it can also offer illumination, both in the form of uplifting inspiration but also a pathway to reveal to reveal the obscure.
Influenced by both Capricorn and Aquarius, this Full Moon is imbued by the sensibilities of both signs; that is, the hardworking pragmatism of Capricorn but also the innovation of Aquarius. Some suggest that Aquarian energy is poorly matched with that of the Earth signs, but it has the potential to be a powerful combination. When out-of-the-box thinking mixes with a never-say-die attitude, some of the best ideas are born. This will be an excellent moment to start on a new project or take up a new hobby.
The Sun will linger in Cancer for just one more day before moving into Leo. Since the Sun rules our outer self, we'll have the confidence boost from Leo to help us in getting any new ideas off the ground. Whether it be that working holiday you've always wanted to plan, a bright idea to bring to your next big project at work or even the novel you've always wanted to write, the planets are all in place to inspire you grab the proverbial bull by the horns.
How to approach the Full Moon in Capricorn
Mostly, this will be a favourable moment. When we look at the other planetary aspects at this time, we can see this moment will actually feel relatively harmonious. The Moon will form a gentle trine with innovator Uranus and warrior Mars, which offers a sense of balance. It would be unwise not to capitalise on this lineup. Sit down, put pen to paper and take advance of the inspiration you'll feel at this time.
It's also important to note that we're slowly heading into the depths of retrograde season. Neptune, Pluto and Saturn retrogrades will all be in full force over this Full Moon. But of course, these three retrogrades are the gentler and more transformative retrogrades. Saturn retrograde in particular asks us to think about the typical parameters of the world in a different way. Coupled with the crest of energy we received at the Full Moon, there is no better time to take stock of the things around you and assess what you really want from the last half of the year.
Just remember to always be kind to yourself. Capricorn at its worst will push those around them to work to the bone. Don't burn yourself out. And if the big project you need to work on is your own self care, then you need to respect that. Working and pushing yourself simply for the validation of others will not serve you in the long term. Instead, put your energy and time into the things that you enjoy and what will make you happy long-term.
To understand more about how this Full Moon will impact your natal sign, be sure to read our July horoscopes.
Image: David Maunsell on Unsplash
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