Full Moons are always a time of energetic intensity. A moment of illumination - both literally and figuratively. Expect secrets exposed, bright ideas, sudden clarity and the hidden influences at work to come to the surface.
The energetic peak of any lunation, Full Moons are known for drawing the themes of the current Moon Cycle to a climax. It's a time where you will reap what you sow, whether it be the successful fruits of hard labour, or the devastation from a poorly planned project.
For some of us, Full Moons can also be a time of heightened emotions and increased tensions. So, it can be beneficial to know when the next Full Moon is coming and plan around it. Below, see all the Full Moons coming in 2021, their name in folklore and what to expect from each.
January 29 6:16 am - Full Wolf Moon in Leo
With Leo bring ego to the forefront; this is a good time to do some soul searching and self-reflection. Leo's confidence boost can also help you take a leap of faith if you need it.
February 27 7:17 pm - Full Snow Moon in Virgo
This is a Moon that will press you to find balance. Earthy Virgo wants you to be practical and look after yourself. Just don't let her perfectionism let you become overly critical.
March 29 5:48 am - Full Worm Moon in Libra
Libra loves to keep the peace, a rather pleasant energetic influence to feel from a Full Moon. Use this energy to help you keep your cool when you need it most.
April 27 1:31 pm - Full Pink Moon in Scorpio
Full Moon in water signs tend to make us extra emotional. Think before you speak and don't let your heart run away with you. This will be one of two Super Moons in 2021.
May 26 9:13 pm - Full Flower Moon in Sagittarius
Sagittarius the explorer is always full of positive energy. Try and hold on to this feeling as we prepare for Mercury Retrograde, which arrives on May 29. This is our final Super Moon for 2021 - but also a total lunar eclipse visible from Australia. So you might not get a chance to see it.
June 25 4:39 am - Full Strawberry Moon in Capricorn
This Capricorn brings some much needed pragmatism to the sensitive Cancer season. Use this hardworking Moon to inspire yourself to cross things off your to do list.
July 24 12:36 pm - Full Buck Moon in Aquarius
The first of two Full Moons in Aquarius this year, and a gentle reminder not to be close minded. Use this burst of energy to think outside the box.
August 22 10:01 pm - Full Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius
Innovative Aquarius wants you to think big. Use this time to accomplish what you've previously only dreamed.
September 21 9:54 am - Full Harvest Moon in Pisces
Sweet, sensitive Pisces can encourage even the most unemotional of us to open up - we're looking at you Capricorns! Allow yourself to feel what you feel. But be careful of dwelling on insecurities.
October 21 1:56 am - Full Hunter's Moon in Aries
Be wary during this Moon. Aries is already an intense sign and Full Moons can amplify this feeling. No need to rush, remember good things come to those who wait.
November 19 7:57 pm - Full Beaver Moon in Taurus
Nature and material wonders, Taurus is here to encourage your desire for beauty. Try and lean into the comfort and cosiness of this energy - and try to reject the will to be stubborn. This Moon brings a partial Lunar Eclipse visible from Australia, so mark it in your diary.
December 19 3:35 pm - Full Cold Moon in Gemini
Gemini energy is the perfect way to welcome party season. Gemini Moons always tend to bring out our social side, so lean into it and enjoy yourself.