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‘First Kill’, a new queer vampire TV show is coming to Netflix


Looks like it's time for the 'Twilight' resurgence to make room, because what was announced this month as one of Netflix's key productions for 2021, is a gay, vampire-themed TV show titled, First Kill, and we are extremely excited.

First Kill is based on a story by V.E. Schwab and was seemingly originally part of a vampire anthology called Vampires Never Get Old. The story follows a teenage vampire living in a small town (of course) called Juliette, who traditionally, will need to make a coming-of-age first kill. Juliette decides to take interest in Calliope, a new girl in town who has caught her eye. Unfortunately for Juliette, she soon finds out - upon an attempt to seduce Calliope - that she is a vampire hunter. Hot.

You can imagine what ensues.

It’s assumed the TV series will start filming in the next few months and is being produced by Emma Roberts. The TV series will reportedly be released as eight, one-hour-long episodes sometime next year on Netflix. The show will be executive produced by Felicia D. Henderson, who has worked on iconic series like Empire and Gossip Girl. Henderson will also serve as a writer and show-runner for the production, while V.E Schwab will apparently oversee scripting for accuracy.

In terms of cast, no one has been confirmed so far, but we have high hopes for some of our favourites. It is unknown if Roberts herself will grace us with her presence on screen, or if she has other plans for the production. We'll certainly be keeping our eyes peeled for any further announcements on the cast.

We can hardly wait for all of the propaganda to surround this one, especially since so many of us are rewatching the cinematic blunder that was the Twilight movies. Can you imagine if Kristen Stewart were cast? Now that she's living her truth as one of the hottest tops in Hollywood.

Perhaps she can try her hand at playing Edwards role...

image credit: @emmaroberts

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