To define OutWst is to box them in, to deny their dynamism. A band of brothers, as you'll soon come to learn, the strength of this Melbourne-based collective lay in its community mindset. A muscle all eight members have nurtured while working on projects with clients like Louis Vuitton and JD Sports. Merging the realms of fashion, music, dance and events, OutWst collaborate to bring creative visions to life, resulting in a rich and multilayered experience for all involved.
With the world at their feet, we caught up with the folks behind OutWst, namely Odell, Bless, Samson, Olly, Nathaniel, Yasir, Gifted and Phil to discuss everything from the origins of the OutWst name to their how they stay inspired. Find our conversation, below.
What’s the first thing we should know about OutWst
Our slogan “niggas just want to create”. It holds a lot of value in understanding what OutWst is and how we are as individuals. Life can sometimes box us in with responsibilities and expectations but when you create art it allows us the freedom to be imaginative and step out of that box to experience the freedom that creating brings.
How would you describe the collective in three words?
Charismatic. Visionary. Creative.
Our star signs are?
Aquarius, Libra, Leo and Capricorn.
How did you all meet?
Mutual friends became close friends turned into neighbours then family.
If we could change one thing in this world it would be?
To allow the world to embrace what creativity brings and separate ourselves from judgement bondage that limits our creative potential.
Free healthcare for everyone in the world, the homeless, the poor and the rich.
What is the story behind the OutWst name?
3029, the postcode where it all began living out in the west side and wanting people to see what the west has to offer.
How do you stay inspired?
We stay inspired through the stories that our environment tells, because every single person has their story to tell and has art within that story. It’s about grabbing that art and experiencing it in a way that allows other people to relate to.
Simply being open minded. The world is full of inspirations and all it takes is opening your eyes to see there’s beauty in almost everything and everyone.
What is the best thing about being in a collective?
The best thing about being a part of a collective is the challenges that comes with being a collective that allows the individuals to grow and expand emotionally, mentally and creatively.
Having that support system where everyone is empowering one another to reach their true potential as well as being comfortable expressing their vulnerabilities.
The achievement we’re most proud of is?
The development and expansion of the Melbourne creative scene. We have influenced the culture to become more expressive.
A person we admire is...
Virgil, Kanye and Cristiano Ronaldo, due to his work ethic.
What can we expect from OutWst in future?
The expansion of the collective, more events, fashion shows and collaborations.
Stamping our name globally.
Clothes, clothes and more clothes.