If you're new to astrology, New Moons offer a clean slate. They're a time to reset, jot down new intentions and begin afresh. Which is why you should mark the upcoming Leo New Moon in your calendars. Taking place on August 16 during Leo season, the new lunar cycle will provide an opportunity to lean into our inner child, follow our passions and return to those creative projects that we've neglected while getting swept up into the demands of daily life.
Yes, it's proving to be a particularly important date in the astrological world. For everything you can expect from the upcoming Leo New Moon, keep scrolling.
What can we expect from the Leo New Moon?
The Leo New Moon couldn't have come at a better time. We've just hit the middle of the year and it's not unusual to feel listless and uninspired. We could all do with a jolt of Leo energy right now, and our prayers will soon be answered. The Leo New Moon taps into the spirit of the lion making it a perfect time for self-expression. The upcoming weeks will be a time for tapping into our passions, starting or continuing creative projects and rediscovering the hobbies we enjoyed as children. It's a time for prioritising joy and lightness, not necessarily your five year plan.
As is always the case where Leo is concerned, we may feel extra social this New Moon. Go with it. Unless you don't want to, then stay in and be selfish. The underlying quality of Leos is that they are simple creatures and won't second guess their own instincts. And with Venus in Retrograde, it offers us clarity to consider our own needs and put ourselves first. After all, our other relationships will benefit from our renewed sense of self. Remember to fit your own life jacket, before you fix someone else's.
What star signs will be most impacted by the Leo New Moon?
Since it's Leo season, it should come as no surprise that the Leo New Moon will be felt most acutely by Leos. Let your most authentic self shine, and consider who your authentic self truly is. This might be a turbulent time for Capricorns, who have been clutching onto aches that are tearing back their growth. Our advice? Let go. You'll feel all the more lighter for it.
Photo by Jordan Steranka on Unsplash