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David Attenborough’s new Netflix documentary is chaotic for the first time ever

David Attenborough

Sir. David Attenborough is teaming up with Netflix to bring us an all-new Planet Earth-centric documentary, but it's not the calming piece of cinema we're usually used to seeing from him.

Being honest, I'd lay down my life for Attenborough. The number of times his soothing voice has lulled me into sleep and a false sense of security is countless. Now, it would appear the voice of the iconic Planet Earth series is taking off his gloves, so to speak, with an important message to the globe's populates: the climate crisis is not going away.

Titled A Life on Our Planet, the Documentary carries the same name at Attenborough's most recent book, and is set to release on Netflix on October 4. The film will see Attenborough - Britains only widely-loved old white man - explain to the world why we should be taking the climate crisis seriously, and how we can get ourselves out of this wasteful mess.

“Our planet is heading for disaster,” he laments in the trailer, as clips of melting ice caps, forest fires, and oil spills flick across the screen. The trailer is looming and even chaotic, as we are shown footage of the planet in its the worst state, with Attenborough urging us to take note of our mistakes. He reminds us of his age (93), and the abundant career he's had, reflecting on the way things were as he implores that hope is not lost. As iconic Planet Earth-Esque clips of nature fill the screen, Attenborough notes,  “We need to learn how to work with nature rather than against it, and I’m going to tell you how.”

In the bittersweet trailer below, Attenborough explains that the future does not in fact look bright, but there is still just about room to turn things around. While this may not be the most calming piece of Attenborough's work you're yet to see, it may certainly be the most real, and most needed during this time.

Image Credit: @davidattenborough