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Place to be: the soundtrack to fill our spaces

"A home filled with nothing but yourself. It’s heavy, that lightness." - Margret Atwood

While each of the spaces we inhabit may be different, all are at the whim of our imagination and mood, and we define them with our feeling and our presence. Our intention as we walk through the door can make a room a place to spend a moment, the night, months or years. We shape our spaces with not just our objects and possessions, but with our actions and experiences. As James Baldwin wrote, “Perhaps home is not a place but simply an irrevocable condition”.

Habitat and homes live within us and around us, and the music below can reverberate between the walls. Eno, Ikeda and Slyvian allow you to take your feeling of home with you throughout the day. Whether you dwell within the Radiant City of Harold Budd or the Imperial Smoke Town of Aoba, there must always be music. And there must always be those to share it, for as Charlotte Bronte wrote, "Wherever you are is my home - my only home".