For anyone who had begun to feel that true crime options on Netflix were a little sparse, Yara has landed on the streamer and it will rock you to your core.
Based on the murder of 13-year-old Yara Gambirasio, who went missing on November 26, 2010 while walking home from the Brembate di Sopra sports centre, the film gives a dramatic retelling of the investigation that took place when Yara's body was found exactly three months after. Details leaked from the autopsy suggest that Yara had sustained a large heady injury, six cut wounds and had ultimately died from exposure.
News of Yara's death sent shock waves through Italy, and the subsequent investigation was a long and drawn out process led by Letizia Ruggeri. Netflix explores this in the film, shadowing the Ruggeri and the roadblocks she faced when trying to ascertain the killer. The first suspect was a Moroccan man who was later exonerated after investigators mistranslated the wiretapped conversation they recorded. But on June 16, 2014 a brick-layer named Massimo Bossetti was arrested and charged with the murder of Yara Gambirasio after his DNA matched a sample found on Yara's clothing. Bossetti was later sentenced to life in 2016 - almost six years after the murder had taken place.
Yara is helmed by Italian director and screenwriter, Marco Tullio Giordana and features an all Italian cast, namely, Isabella Ragonese, Alessio Boni, Chiara Bono as Yara, Roberto Zibetti, Aiman Machhour, Mario Pirrello, Sandra Toffolatti and Thomas Trabacchi. Naturally, as it is an Italian story, you'll want to turn the subtitles on.
You can watch the trailer for Yara below, or alternatively you can dive right into the film on Netflix.
For more in the way of true crime, you may want to dig into Deceit on Stan or Last Man Standing about the murders of Tupac and Biggie.
Image: Instagram