
What you need to know about the Jupiter Uranus conjunction

On April 21st, Jupiter and Uranus align in the heavens - this only roughly once every 14 years. This event hasn’t happened in the sign of Taurus since 1941. And there are few reasons why this rare transit will be one of the most important astrological moments in the 2024 calendar.

Let’s first delve into the nature of the sign Taurus. Taurus, being an Earth sign, naturally rules over our resources, and even abundance. So, when Jupiter, the planet of expansion and luck, and Uranus, the most rebellious and innovative planet in the cosmic family, join forces, there’s a big possibility of striking lucky in the most wild and random ways. How can you harness this once-in-a-blue-moon transit? Say your manifestation mantras in the mirror, meditate with your vision board, and believe in the impossible.


Making space for luck to come to you

By definition, luck is often perceived as something divine that is beyond our control, but I firmly believe that we can create the conditions for luck to touch our lives. When we dare to take risks and step out of our comfort zones, we position ourselves to attract 'luck.' I view it as a reward for our bravery and courage. So, that business idea you've been postponing for years? It's time to take the leap and pursue it. Don't spend endless hours trying to perfect your business plan. Practice is the best teacher.


Initiating radical life changes

Massive astrological transits are like windows of opportunity, as if the genie is out of the bottle. As much as cosmic forces can influence our lives, we can also direct where they channel their power into our lives; we aren’t victims of the cosmic clock. So, with this transit, there's an auspicious energy to muster the confidence to make radical changes in our lives, which can absolutely quantum leap our existence in ways our minds can’t even calculate. You never know when you may catch a big break (or a big fish) and Capricorn Issa Rae’s story from YouTube to prime-time TV with her hit series 'Insecure' is now eternally written in the history books.


Unlock financial limiting beliefs

In such a global economic climate, that is riddled by constant change and uncertainty, it can be challenging to maintain an abundant mindset. However, even in this economic flux, there's still an invitation to consider making small pivots that could open up new avenues for ourselves. One key aspect is recognizing the skills and talents we already have, which others may find invaluable. Do you truly believe that your life experiences, both personal and professional, can be a great asset to someone or an organisation out there? Jupiter and Uranus may remind you to put some respect on your name, and to genuinely value what makes you ‘you’

What's wonderfully abundant about this transit is that around May 20th, Venus aligns with Jupiter and Uranus, providing another cosmic blessing of opportunity. This opportunity could come from someone in your network who recognizes and believes in your unique talents. So, if you're a content creator, don't give up. Similarly, if you're an artist feeling like your work is often overlooked, remember that you never know who's watching and simply waiting for the right moment to acknowledge your talents. Keep the faith, as someone who you may ‘fangirl’ over, is ‘fangirling’ you behind the scenes.




Image: Jake Weirick on Unsplash

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