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‘Hot Mess’ is the hilariously relatable Australian coming-of-age tale new to Netflix

Hot Mess Australian Film Netflix

There’s no more universal feeling than the realisation that your world is falling apart in your mid-twenties. A generational tale, the challenges of establishing your career, maintaining some semblance of a social life and navigating the vicious terrain that is the dating world is one that is all-too familiar. To remind us that we’re not alone, writer-director Lucy Coleman has harnessed these experiences in her charming, rambunctious, and blushingly candid film, Hot Mess – the latest Australian film that has made its way onto Netflix.

Following the tale of 25-year-old Loz, played by Australian stand-up comedian Sarah Gaul, we watch (and uncontrollably chuckle) as the aspiring writer with a degree in self-sabotaging fights to receive a coveted writer-in-residence roll with a cutting-edge theatre group. But after she offends the artistic director (Terry Serio), with her graphic and feminist-minded material, and receives a disapproving lecture from her extremely conservative mum (Zoe Carides), the hopelessly adrift Loz finds herself at a crossroads.

That is, until she stumbles across an unlikely saviour in the form of Dave (Marshall Campbell), the sweet boy-next-door who may present the solution to her wildly unpredictable love life.

Watch the trailer for Hot Mess below.

Hot Mess has swept indie film festivals the world over, going on to receive international rave reviews and critical acclaim, as well as being nominated for major awards including this year’s Australian Directors Guild Award.

“It’s so amazing that this film we made for next to nothing in our mates apartments has gone on to play in cinemas around the world, and will now be available to millions of subscribers on Netflix,” Coleman & Gaul say, “we’d love to say it’s the perfect film for Netflix and chill, but it feels more like the perfect film for Netflix hungover with a bucket of chicken.”

Filled with vibrant, honest and eerily relatable performances, Hot Mess is the refreshing and undeniably hilarious take on some of the most gruelling years of our young adult lives. 

Hot Mess is available to stream on Netflix, now.

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