Part of your sign’s journey is to feel at home within yourself, to learn how to hold unconditional space for the range of emotional tides and moods that move through you. Cancer is the archetypal Mother and Inner Child. Your inner life can be primal in its emotional experience and reactions, and it is worth noting what outlets of expression you have for this deep layer of your being. With the eclipses in Scorpio in May and October, feel the waves that arise. You are being guided to develop or refine an expressive outlet for your rich inner world. What systems or rituals do you currently have for your emotional processing?
With the eclipses in Taurus in April and November, the energies are homing in on the sense of belonging that you find in your pockets of the collective.
You may be drawn to renew or redefine the value you hold for the people, ideas and communities that bring meaning to you and work on strengthening the bonds you have formed here or to create new ones.
Jupiter will move between your terrain of beliefs and meaning and your work zone this year. Jupiter is both student and teacher and learns experientially. Until the 12th May and again from 29th October – 21st December, Jupiter’s interaction with your meaning, beliefs and higher mind will lead to more experimentation and direct experience as far as how you make meaning of your existence. This is an optimistic and buoyant transit, and you may be drawn to new perspectives, new teachers, new locations and heightened, expansive questions around well, the meaning of life but more precisely, the meaning of your life.
As it moves into the area of your work and public world, from mid-May to the end of October, allow yourself to cast out visions for the next chapter and iteration of your concrete identity out in the world. Call in expansive new influences who can show you new avenues or ways of working and being. The cosmic energies here are expanding your horizons as well as checking in with how meaningful (or not) your work and roles of responsibility are for you.
Saturn is still present in your 8th house of intimacy with self and others, working to survey and deepen your relationship to intimacy and commitment. What is the foundation you have built here? Are you curious of your psyche and shadows? Are you able to be vulnerable in your closest relationships or does the crab shell keep you encased, working to nurture others as a way of deflecting attention from yourself? What is your relationship to vulnerability? Do you hold loving space for yourself? Again, pick up the pen or your instrument of choice and express yourself. You are deepening your emotional connection to you this year, nurturing your inner world and sanctuary and it is self-expression that is the doorway through to this deeper connection.
Want to understand why the zodiac signs are the way they are? Look no further than our comprehensive guide to the personality traits of each zodiac sign.