Three years since the cult film, Call Me By Your Name made queer cinema history, we can finally clutch to some tangible hope for the promised sequel - Author André Aciman’s follow-up to CMBYN, titled Find Me - to grace our screens.
Our hopes for enduring roles have already been confirmed, with Timothée Chalamet returning as Elio, Armie Hammer as Oliver, and of course, Luca Guadagnino reigning the director's seat. Unfortunately, James Ivory, who penned the screenplay and ultimately nabbed the Oscar win for Best Adapted Screenplay, has said he has no interest in being part of the Find Me sequel. Rude!
For those who haven't read the book, Find Me returns to the CMBYN characters ten years after Oliver and Elio's summer romance in Crema, and tells a three-part tale of Oliver, Elio and Sami (Elio’s beloved father), and their experiences with new love, memory, and reconciliation. The story focusses on life after a dreamy Italian summer, and the ways the characters have grown while nursing memories from the past.
In a recent interview with GQ, Hammer spilt some much-anticipated beans on the progress of the project coming to screens, stating that he's been speaking with Guadagnino but they haven't "gotten into it" yet, while mentioning, "I haven’t even read the book. I know Luca hasn’t got a full script yet, although he knows what he wants to do with the story, so I don’t know how similar or dissimilar it will be to Find Me the novel."
He adds that "I know if we end up doing it, it’s more important for me to focus on Luca’s vision than to focus on Find Me. The book will be a supplemental thing." If, Armie, IF?! While aware of the pressure of a sequel to an almost perfect film whose novel-formed sequel has been criticised of feeling lacklustre, Hammer is apparently embracing the challenge, stating "The world will keep getting excited, which is a double-edged sword because the more excited they get, the bigger chances are of them watching and going, “This sucks!” But pressure makes diamonds, so here’s to more pressure!"
You heard the man, folks, and while we patiently (read: impatiently) await the release date, we'll just have to resort to rewatching CMBYN, over and over again.
image credit: @CMBYNfilm