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Buffy The Vampire Slayer is set for a reboot – and Buffy will be a woman of colour


As it would appear, one of the only good things about 2020  is that there are multiple TV and film productions set for release - one's that we're very excited about. Among these, mercifully, is a reboot of Buffy the vampire slayer, and reportedly a timely update is on the cards. We finally have a slither more information on the upcoming new series since it's remake announcement back in 2018, when we had literally anything else to cling to other than the anticipation of entertainment releases.

The news comes via Amber Benson (who played Tara in the original series) who recently told Digital Spy that she was "so excited because Joss [Whedon] was involved, a woman of colour was going to be running the show, and Buffy was going to be a woman of colour," she said. "I thought that was really important." adding "So Buffy – it had some diversity. But I feel like it could have had more. And that was just the time. That sort of onus wasn't on the creative world to show the world in a diverse way." she says "I would very much like to see Buffy in a diverse world. I think it would be a really amazing thing."

The series was originally written as a film by Joss Whedon, who in turn executive produced the old TV series and will lead the reboot with producer and screenwriter Monica Owusu-Breen as showrunner. "Joss Whedon's brilliant and beautiful series can't be replicated. I wouldn't try to. But here we are, 20 years later… and the world seems a lot scarier. So maybe, it could be time to meet a new Slayer… And that's all I can say." Owusu-Breen told Digital Spy on her appointment as showrunner. "Before I became a writer, I was a fan. For seven seasons, I watched Buffy Summers grow up, find love, kill that love. I watched her fight and struggle and slay." she says.

From our perspective, we say keep the modern reboots coming. While there will always be an air of nostalgia about the old classics, making space for wider representation of identities across the entertainment industry could not be more imperative at this point in time.


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