A few seasons ago, Balenciaga created a replica of its flagship boutique shopping bags and sold them for $1100. This season, Balenciaga migrates into the world of groceries and the fashionably sustainable with its launch of its expandable reusable nylon shopping bag.
One could say that in 2021, it could be considered borderline embarrassing to be seen carrying a plastic bag out of the grocery store or asking for a plastic bag to bring your takeaway home. So once again, as a call to response, fashion provides us with answers, and yes, once again, at a price. Valued at $325, the Balenciaga Grocery Shopper bag becomes available online and is one you most definitely won't want to forget and leave at home.
Although it may considered quite a hefty fine for your usual nylon grocery bag, the Balenciaga Grocery Shopper goes a step further in the brands mission to encourage more sustainable cycles with the Balenciaga Grocery Shopper being made from 100% recycled materials and recycled nylon. As creative director Demna Gvasalia is best known for tongue and cheek, the bags are available in three colourways of black, red and a trompe l'oeil plaid print with an extra long handle for ease and wearability and a circular pouch pocket that the bag collapses into after use.
"The bag's collapsible design and all-purpose clasp make it conveniently transportable, making it easy to always have on-hand to use instead of disposable carriers. It becomes wallet-sized when folded and zipped into a round pouch and can hook onto almost any strap or loop. The intent of the Balenciaga Grocery Shopper is to help reduce single-use plastic," Balenciaga stated in a press release.
From video games, glow in the dark and now, its venture down the supermarket aisle, Balenciaga is never one to be short of surprises. The Balenciaga Grocery Shopper is now available online at balenciaga.com with more information on all official Balenciaga social channels.