Culture / Film

An Amy Winehouse documentary is in the works, and it will play out through the eyes of her mother


Almost a decade following the iconic British singer, Amy Winehouse's death, her mother Janis will be making a documentary in her memory with BBC tentatively titled, Amy Winehouse: 10 Years On.

The BBC film will reportedly aim to reveal insights into the singer's life, career and legacy through her mother's eyes, who feels as though the medias version of events "often differs from the narrative we have been told before".

Her mother was diagnosed with MS in 2003, which can cause memory loss and confusion, and according to the BBC, part of the motivation behind the creation of the documentary is to preserve precious memories Janis has of her daughter, as MS "threatens to strip her of her memories of Amy".

The singer, whose 2006 album Back To Black skyrocketed her to be recognised as one of the greatest talents of her generation, died from alcohol poisoning at the age of 27 in July 2011. "I don't feel the world knew the true Amy, the one I brought up," Janis told BBC. "I'm looking forward to the opportunity to offer an understanding of her roots and a deeper insight into the real Amy."

Janis will be joined in the documentary by family and friends to drive this fresh take on the singer's life and legacy home, and will offer "a new female-driven interpretation of her life, her loves and her legacy", the announcement said.

This isn't the first time her mother expressed fear of losing her daughters memories due to her illness. In her 2014 book Loving Amy: A Mother's Story, she wrote that a gradual "loss of sharpness" of memory was part of her diagnosis. "I worry about the day when Amy stops being alive in my head and in my heart. I don't want that day ever to come," she wrote.

There is no official release date for the documentary thus far, but we predict it may be available around the anniversary of Winehouse's death in July 2021.

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