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Apricot dreaming: everything you need to know about Orange Wine

For those who are traditional wine drinkers, Orange wine might feel like a bit of a bizarre direction to take in the place of your classic drop. The slightly off-beat variety of wine has been becoming more and more popular in Australia in the past years, and it's no wonder why: It's more often than not, freaking delicious, and when offered as a natural variety (AKA sans sulfates or preservatives) is much less likely to give you a raging hangover. If you're interested in knowing more about the apricot-hued iteration of grape juice, we're unpacking the concept, below.

What is orange wine?

Orange wine is most commonly a type of white wine made by leaving the grape skins and seeds in contact with the juice, which creates an orange-hued finished product that can either be slightly cloudy or clear in colour. Because of the grapes contact with its skin for a prolonged period, it often can be found under the name of 'skin contact' wine as well.

How is it made?

It is usually made using white-wine grapes in a red-wine style of fermentation. Generally, with white wines, the grapes are pressed and the skins are thrown away, with orange wine, all parts of the white grapes are macerated together for that classic apricot hue. This style of creating wine, as it is one of the most straightforward, has been around for centuries in the Mediterranean and some countries in Europe, and has only recently regained popularity among the masses.

What does it taste like?

Orange wines can often be thought of as a little more fun and interesting than a standard white or red. They can be tannic, 'juicy', flavourful, and pleasant to drink. While they are all very different, and there is no one rule of thumb when it comes to taste, orange wines are always bright, surprising, a little sour, sometimes fizzy, and can be quite savoury, while others can be fragrant and fresh.

Where can I purchase it?

Orange wine can be found at a number of bottle shops - namely those that stock craft beers and interesting wine - and restaurants around Australia, just ask for skin contact or orange wine. If you're looking to purchase online, you can find some of our favourites, below.


P&V Session Orange

orange wine



Das Juice Maceration 2020

orange wine



Year Wine Noodle Juice 2020

orange wine



Jauma Jonolicious 2020

orange wine


2020 LATTAvino Rattlesnake


The Hermit Ram 2019 Skin Fermented Sauvignon Blanc


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