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Pure destruction: your invitation to Vicki Lee’s new show . [period]

Vicki Lee . [period]

Ever been to an art exhibition centred on destruction? Artist Vicki Lee's creative journey began with this very notion. And in a time that feels like a mark of punctuation in our lives, she's revisiting the concept with her fourth solo show . [period].

The artist is known for her evocations of emotion - whether dripping roses or paintings reminiscent of the throes of passion. With . [period] it's all about an explosive gesture of ruin. And Lee is inviting an audience to experience the destruction in real time, with an Instagram Live stream from her eponymous gallery on Thursday November 28 from 7pm.

“In essence I am lighting the body of work on fire,” tells Lee. “The moment is loud, very loud. It is aggressive and strong.”

“There is a sense of completeness that allows the destruction of the works, rather than a sense of wanting to hide it.”

Vicki Lee . [period]
From Vicki Lee, . [period]

Want to know more? You'd be well advised to tune in. We'll be streaming live from the RUSSH instagram account. The concept carries an air of mystery, but not for Lee. She began her trajectory as an artist creating vividly coloured works, only to cover them with layers of white paint until there was nothing left. She repeated the process for years before she was ready to share her art with the outside world.

White is associated with purity, but not in this context. Here, it signals a dramatic reset. A kind of annihilation.

Lee invites viewers to witness the exhilarating beauty of demolition from a safe distance. . [period] is not about rebirth. Perhaps the slate must be wiped clean before we can truly start again.

Vicki Lee . [period]
From Vicki Lee, . [period]

“I don’t generally end things quietly,” says Lee. “I like to do things definitively. Like a burning fire behind you and a motorbike, rather than just walking away.

“I think a full stop to me, to everyone, punctuates the end of something. That full stop in regards to the end of this show represents mass destruction, the end of a period of time. The feeling of the end of something is, within myself, a feeling of completion and perfection in one moment.”