Because seasonal produce should always be utilised in the best ways when the sun is out. With summer well and truly upon us, we’re looking for recipes to ring in the season that don’t call for a complicated back story or millions of steps to achieve. Tomatoes are basically heaven-sent, we can smell stone fruits, melons and mangoes from the doors of the grocery store, and seafood is all we're dreaming of. Why make it any more complicated? Below, we round up recipes that have been lingering in the saved section of our Instagram accounts, waiting patiently for the summer.
Once you nail shortcrust pastry making (which really isn’t that hard), the Galette, Pie and Tart world will fall at your feet. A crowd pleaser for literally any occasion, find us a single person on earth who doesn’t like Bon Appetite's take on flaky pastry, caramelised tomatoes, garlic, and parmesan.

Savoury and sweet come together in this insanely crisp side dish from Bon Appetite. Something about salt and fruit pairs arguably well together. Bring this as a side to a dinner/party/barbecue and put the main course to shame.

Savoury and sweet come together in this insanely crisp side dish from Bon Appetite. Something about salt and fruit pairs arguably well together. Bring this as a side to a dinner/party/barbecue and put the main course to shame.
We're personally starting a campaign that states strawberries and cream is the most delicious (and simple) dessert of all time. Ramp it up a level of decadence (à la Food & Wine) and boil the strawberries with sugar and chilies, while supplementing standard whipping cream with a tangy yoghurt and cream cheese mixture. Serve because you love your friends.

For non-boring weeknights and the time/energy poor. Throw into the oven and serve with any desired extras. Just as good cold the next day.

For non-boring weeknights and the time/energy poor. Throw into the oven and serve with any desired extras. Just as good cold the next day.
This summer is all about the savoury fruit salads, we’ve decided. Another dish in the realm of fruits with salty things, this five-ingredient delight is the perfect marriage of watery-melon, crunchy snap-peas and soft cheese. Likely elicited responses include “This salad!” and “So fresh!”.

A much more sophisticated way to cook clams and corn together (and did we mention it takes no longer than 20 minutes?). Cook on a whim on a Sunday afternoon with friends and wine, preferably while talking animatedly about how much you love the summertime.

A much more sophisticated way to cook clams and corn together (and did we mention it takes no longer than 20 minutes?). Cook on a whim on a Sunday afternoon with friends and wine, preferably while talking animatedly about how much you love the summertime.