
5 key lessons you need to embrace during the upcoming New Moon in Capricorn

new moon in capricorn

If you're still in a bit of a daze, wandering through the twilight zone of yesteryear, fear not – this upcoming New Moon in Capricorn on January 11th at 22:57pm AEDT is set to jolt us awake from the new year coma. It’s the cosmic alarm clock we need to shake off the past and embrace the fresh energy of new beginnings. Capricorn, an earth sign with a crystal clear vision, fearlessly pursues its desires, often willing to go the extra mile for the golden prize.

The challenge at hand is our ability to muster the grit needed to commit to the tasks ahead. In a world that fights with time itself, this is a moment to focus on ‘how’ we’re going to climb up the mountain, rather than ‘when’ we’ll reach the top. Armed with your crafted list of new year's resolutions, it’s time to delve into the nitty-gritty details of what is required to conquer your quest. And, if you find yourself still trying to nail down the specifics of your goals for the year, be gentle with yourself as we’re still coasting through the shadow period of Mercury Retrograde, which bids farewell on the 14th.

Your network is your net-worth

The New Moon partners up with the Nodes in astrology, two points fixed in space that guide us towards our destinies. As much as we can climb the mountain alone, the feat is rarely completed solo. It’s age old saying ‘it’s not what you know, it’s who you know’ is a slogan that neatly fits under this New Moon. Surrounding ourselves with people who resonate with our vision can be a catalyst for fresh perspectives, revealing hidden steps in the forest that we didn’t even know were there. Use this New Moon to take the initiative to expand your network beyond your social circle, whether it’s through LinkedIn or meet up groups to expand your own field of vision. If you’re lucky, someone may give you a key that unlocks doors to a secret passage, helping you to skip past potential roadblocks.

Make your own rules

Uranus, the known nonconformist, has received his invitation to the New Moon in Capricorn gala. Offering us his genius, Uranus whispers ‘Why follow the rules when you can make your own?’ Bring your audacity to the table to disrupt the status quo, for in doing so, you might propel yourself forward in leaps and bounds.

We’re forever changed by the legends of the past who break boundaries of the mainstream script. Take this inspirational example of the late Capricorn Moon native, Amy Winehouse. Who fearlessly defied traditional norms in both her artistry and fashion. Her avant-garde style was an embodiment of her extraordinary genius. In short, keep your inventive hat on, brainstorm creative concepts, and you could stumble upon a stream of futuristic visions.

Define your core values to ground your long term vision

Your goals might stretch across a lengthy checklist, and even if it looks achievable, if they lack alignment with your fundamental "why," a sense of soulful fulfilment may feel out of reach. With Neptune, the planet of spirituality, imbuing its magic with this lunar phase, it encourages us to take a long think about our inner motivations of our goals. Making sure that we aren’t ticking them off our list for superficial reasons, like status or to fit in within a particular crowd.

As you hop on the train towards your mission, Neptune can support us to get in touch with our own vision to drown out any external distractions. When opportunities come along, you can discern which offers are in alignment with your authentic self without doubting if you’re making the right decision. First ask yourself, ‘what are my top 5 personal values? - be it innovation, creativity, or community etc. When you take the time to write them down, the authenticity of your goals becomes much more clear. And, you can shred the goals that were influenced by societal pressure or even external expectations.

Be mindful of new year burn out

Being the archetype of the CEO, Capricorn, it’s crucial not to let the pursuit of your goals lead you to the dead end of ‘burnout city’ Remember to factor in your energy levels and overall well-being. This is a perfect time to incorporate a restorative and creative practice in your working routine before you dive into your tasks for the day. Whether it’s a brief meditation or a breathwork exercise, these practices can help you centre yourself, allowing you to intuitively approach your day with purpose and ease. In fact, consider scheduling short check-ins throughout the day to stay on track. Not only is mindfulness proven to support our overall wellbeing, it can make the journey towards achieving our goals more sustainable and fulfilling.

Becoming the authority of your life

Considering this is the first New Moon of the year, it carries a potent message, signalling that the time has come to confidently take the reins of self-leadership. It’s important to ask others for guidance when we need it, yet there are instances where self-trust becomes imperative. Have faith in your ability to lead your own journey without the continuous need for validation, as no one path is the same. Wisdom is gained through action, and every outcome, whether expected or not, serves as a valuable lesson. As the Capricorn Moon muse Cher aptly put it, "Until you're ready to look foolish, you'll never have the possibility of being great."

Stay inspired, follow us.


Photo by Benjamin Voros on Unsplash