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Intimates – model Nat Buchanan shares her at home diary

Home is wherever I’m with you. Model Nat Buchanan and photographer Lincoln James share an intimate postcard series shot at their home in Manly, Australia.




Where are you currently residing?

Home for us is Manly. Being near the ocean has been such a lifeline in this weird / scary / revolutionary time and a dependable source of gratitude.


What inspired this latest shoot series photographed by your partner Lincoln James?

Calvin Klein. I was asked to document my home experience as part of their At-Home in My Calvins photo series. It was equal parts challenging, special and rewarding to get to create something honest with my love in our little pocket of the world.



How has life changed for you post-pandemic?

I think for many, this year’s forced us to confront ourselves, to shed egos and decipher what really matters. I saw with clarity from the communal slowing of life, the link between my happiness and simplicity. My compulsion to be busy in order to seem ‘productive’ (and therefore ‘successful’) was replaced with a simpler desire to create for creations sake.


How do you stay creative during this time of global unrest?

I funnelled a lot of my iso time into ‘upskilling’ (as they say) and came out the other side with a graphic design portfolio. I’ve always been into design but shelved the idea because the technical know-how just seemed too overwhelming. Turns out I love it and now have growing access to a limitless source of creativity.



What are some of your daily rituals?

A cup of herbal tea I never finish. Chocolate. Too much of it. Laughter. Movement. Essential oils before bed. Incense sticks with fun names name like Dragons Blood and Sunrise. Kisses.


What are you reading / watching / listening to?

I set myself a goal to devour 35 books this year, and I’m 20 down! Iso favourites include Americanah, Conversations With Friends, A Little Life, The Argonauts, The Color Purple, and Dark Emu, which frankly should be mandatory in the Australian school curriculum. Linc and I have practically inhaled 4 seasons of Mr. Robot.



How do you stay healthy (mentally and / or physically)?

I move my body to feel good inside, for clarity and energy. I always find it amazing how the exertion of energy can give you more. I love Pilates and Yoga but when all the studios closed, I found walking with absolutely no agenda to be almost revolutionary to my life. There’s something so liberating about walking in nature and being present with no time limit or intention.


What do you appreciate the most right now?

Family, friends, love, touch and nature, all feel of supercharged importance right now. I feel confronted with my privilege, with choice and knowledge.



What do you miss the most?

That contagious energy you feel in a restaurant or bar, or even on the street when people are out and ignited by the night. You take that kind of electricity for granted but when it’s gone, you really feel it.


What is your current state of mind?

I feel sure. Not of the future but of my potential for the first time in a long time.





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