And breathe... April’s astrology was intense, to say the least. Now that we have our heads above water, we can actually find the time to integrate all the tectonic shifts we've been enmeshed in since. So, what's in store for your April 2024 horoscopes?
Gemini season begins on the 20th, so invite your inner child and your teen self to come out to play, literally. Throw some random ideas, plans, and rendezvous dates at the wall to see what sticks. I mean, the fact that the Olsen twins, the most famous twins in the world, are Geminis is just oh so parfait! Collectively, we’re going to be alternating between Taurus and Gemini astro frequencies, which (finally) gives us the powers to sharpen our skills on practical life stuff while making it fun. Without getting lost in the dreariness of mundane life admin tasks that seem to be slow to execute no matter how many coffee breaks you slot in.
But, the star of the show this month is Jupiter’s shimmy into Gemini on the 25th. A once-in-a-12-year appearance, Jupiter in Gemini will likely turn us into triple threats for the next year. Whether you commit to writing, singing, and acting, or you choose to just juggle more hobbies than you ever have done before, it’s the era to get to swim into the depths of your creative passions. So, what lights you up?
Are your ears still ringing from last month’s eclipse fiasco? I don’t blame you if they are, but consider May as your cooling-off period. Thankfully, you have some cosy Taurus transits coming in to ground you from the root down. With the New Moon in Taurus entering your field of inner security on the 8th, consider what you need to refine and pull back from that’s actually taking up too much time and energy. Even the things that once felt good may not be inspiring you as they once were, and we all know how much feeling inspired is just as important as oxygen for you. Just over a week later, Mercury moves into Taurus on the 16th, offering you a hand to slow down your overactive mind and bring more ease into your day-to-day schedule. Plan a quick weekend getaway to honour the Full Moon in Sagittarius falling into your house of exploration on the 23rd. If you could be anywhere in the world, where would it be, and who would be by your side? Cue Sade – By Your Side.
It’s been just over a week since we had the great Jupiter and Uranus conjunction, and for the next week, they’ll still be pretty close. So, start as you mean to go on and keep your visionary hat on throughout the month. With the New Moon in Taurus shining down on you, you might just receive a little boost of luck for your visionary efforts. I know you’re accustomed to building brick by brick, but it’s hard not to notice how one viral moment can change the course of someone's life. So, set some bold intentions that make you shake with nerves to put your sense of faith and belief to the test. The Full Moon in Sagittarius nestles in your zone of philosophical wonder. Remember, it’s more important to ask yourself the right questions about your future rather than finding textbook answers. The God of expansion and charm, Jupiter, will be landing in your home of resources and money mindset thoughts on May 26th for the next year. Here’s a question for you to ponder: How does the pursuit of wealth influence your outlook on your identity and self-esteem? No matter how many digits you have on your bank statement, you’re still worth a trillion bucks!
If you feel like you just want to fly under the radar or remain in a sleepy state you can’t wake yourself up from for the first half of the month, the pile-up of planets in your zone of dreams and the unconscious will explain it. But, the beauty of being out of the social mix is that you can have a more intimate relationship with you. On May 8th, the New Moon in Taurus makes an appearance here, perhaps helping you to soulfully let go of experiences that might have negatively impacted how you look at yourself in the mirror. Taurus energy helps us to add some Cleopatra levels of self-worth to our names. Your birthday season starts on the 20th, and by that time, you’ll be ready to share your wild, playful self in high definition. A few days later, on the 23rd, the Full Moon in Sagittarius rockets off into your relationship sector and Venus moves into Gemini. Your friends, romantic liaisons, and business partners in some way all need to inspire you, or at least make you laugh until you cough up a lung. If they don't… well, I’ll let you decide what happens next. It’s absolutely worth pulling some oracle cards when Jupiter moves into your sign on the 26th, as it might just read you to filth, in the best way.
To dream a new dream means that some part of you might be ready to either add or take away what's on your vision board. Nothing is set in stone, including your pixie wishes and vivid aspirations. Come the 8th, you’ll start to get an idea of what I’m talking about when the New Moon in Taurus lands on your lap. When Mercury moves into Taurus on the 16th, it’ll give you the stamina and focus to turn an idea into a tangible package—even when you’re in one of your usual emotional spirals. Just remember, you don’t have to over explain your 5-year plan (if you have one) to anyone, especially as Gemini season looms into your house of the unconscious from the 20th. Are you secretly yearning for a co-sign from your peers to validate your plans? Maybe you need to build more inner confidence before you’re ready to take off from your creative launchpad. And, that’s okay too! Nostalgic thoughts of anyone with whom you've had heart-to-heart 3 a.m. chats may prick your little soul. Venus moves into your house of the past on the 23rd; give them a ring if the moment calls for it.
My favourite quote from the artist Kelis, a starry Leo, has to be: “Success is not about reaching a destination, but enjoying the journey.” As cliché as it sounds, it tends to be the very thing that gets lost in the pile of our to-do lists. Your career will be on your mind quite a lot, and the New Moon in Taurus on the 8th is a good moment to ask yourself: “What parts of my career help me to become more of my authentic self vs where do I feel like I have to dim my light?” Finding some portion of purpose and impact within what you do for a living is probably in the top 5 of your priorities. By the time you wake up from your alarm on the 23rd, the Full Moon in Sagittarius lands in your zone of creative explorations. Ask yourself this, if you had a rich patron to help sponsor your creative vision, what idea would you start with? Now, go and do your research.
There’s nothing worse than being the ‘I told you so’ spokesperson, and sometimes we can even do it to ourselves. Typically, you’re quite risk-averse, simply because you might have tried your luck once or twice, and you might have gotten a little disappointed. But, the cosmic order demands that you put those dogmatic, dream-crushing beliefs into the trash can. Ruled by Venus, this New Moon in Taurus peeks into your house of expanding horizons. What does it look like to explore new territory in your own mind? By changing your perspective on how limited you think you are in terms of success, it’ll open up a box of opportunities you didn’t even know existed. Shifting these mindset pieces will help you to step into this new Jupiter in Gemini portal on the 26th with even more manifestation magic. Particularly as it spins in your career zone, so meditate on this: What career goals or projects energise me and make me feel like I'm expanding my skills and knowledge?
Once you’ve made up your mind on something (even if you do need to stretch the deadline), nothing can change your stance. And so, with the New Moon in Taurus entering your zone of transformation and ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ power on the 8th, it feels like whatever you’ve been sitting on is about to come to a conclusion. It’s exhausting when your thoughts just go around in circles, right? Well, phew, you can find some relief this month. Even if you have second thoughts on the 23rd, the Full Moon in Sagittarius will give you the confidence to use your voice and speak from your heart. Have you had an urge to study something completely out there and new? You could be picking up on the atmosphere change, as Jupiter marches through the skies into Gemini. He’ll be sitting in your sphere of extracurricular studies from the 23rd for the next year. We’re never too old or late to learn something out of the ordinary.
One thing about you, Scorpio, is that when you take your hands off the wheel of your relationships, you can obsess over work, or even the way you meticulously fix your coffee in the morning. Your connections of all kinds need your presence and full attention; your remarkable way of making people feel ‘seen’ is one of your greatest gifts, and the New Moon in Taurus on the 8th will remind you of that. But the catch this month is that you become more of yourself when you offer up your sacred vulnerability onto the table, so there’s no hiding, Scorpio! Threading the New Moon with the Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd, you might even have more collaborative opportunities that could turn out to be quite lucrative. Just make sure that your values and principles of how you want to work as a unit snap into place like magnets.
Whether it’s going through the letters on your desk or tidying up your Excel sheets, anything that makes work feel more grounded and less chaotic is the balm you need. The part of your chart that rules Taurus is your house of work, routine, and day-to-day schedule. So, with the New Moon in Taurus and Mercury in Taurus moving in there consecutively this month on the 8th and 16th, it can support you in getting the small details of your life in order, so you can invite more creative flow into your life. Don’t forget to stretch, drink your green tea, and have downtime before bed. Where are you heading, and what have you yet to explore? With the Full Moon falling in your sign on the 23rd, the cosmos assist you in answering these existential questions. Have you been bored with your romantic bylines lately? You can thank Jupiter in Gemini moving into your house of relationship on the 26th for giving you a sprig of mistletoe and hope.
Your hobbies shouldn’t feel like a chore, so if they do, it’s time to switch it up and find other avenues that stimulate you. The New Moon in Taurus makes its way into your zone of dating, creativity, and play on the 8th. Consider signing up for a new hobby that feels more interactive than one of isolation. An insightful chat with a fellow attendee could also move outside of the classroom. Full Moons are known for sprinkling random synchronicities into our lives, and as it tumbles into Sagittarius on the 23rd, make sure that you pay attention to your dreams and angel numbers. Trust your intuitive nudges if you want to open yourself up to your own witchy magic. In the last week of May, Jupiter moves into Gemini on the 26th, which could quite possibly boost your confidence that you really do know what you’re talking about when it comes to your specialism at work. Your final boss and arch-nemesis is imposter syndrome. What affirmations or positive self-talk can you incorporate into your daily routine to combat feelings that you’re in a flop era?
When you feel like you just want to get away and start somewhere new, where is that feeling coming from? Pluto retrograde in Aquarius begins on the 3rd, putting you on pause to pick your courage back up wherever you thought you lost it. The New Moon in Taurus may open up some thoughts around belonging, roots, and home. Think about what groups, networks, and affiliations full of people with a similar ethos and life vision like your own could actually help bring you some healing in this area of your life. Join the book club (or soup kitchen), and you could connect in ways that make you full in more ways than one. As we inch closer and closer to festival season, the Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd could have you itching to be around your artsy friends to get involved in something ‘cultured’ . It could in fact lead you to feel more intimately bonded. A creative vision is about to emerge over the next 12 months as Jupiter in Gemini offers you the confidence to live life from the lens of your wild and creative soul.
Without gathering your thoughts before you move on to the next goal or idea, do you *really* think you’re setting yourself up for the best outcome? The New Moon in Taurus on the 8th gives you a chance to synthesise all the squiggly thoughts flapping about in your brain so that you can plan ahead with more conviction and certainty. Life isn’t a race; it’s a marathon, so why do you think you’re running out of time? Gemini season starts in your place of home, and you’ll probably find yourself doing some odd jobs from your kitchen to your bedroom that you’ve been stalling, and by the end of it, you’ll feel satisfied that you’ve ticked something off of your errand list. Craft out some space for you to assess how your career goal has unfolded this year so far when the Full Moon in Sagittarius hits on the 23rd. Being critical won’t get you far, but being objective will. Fancy a one-way ticket to Paris, New York, or London? Jupiter in Gemini will get you thinking about a possible change of address from the 26th until next year.
Photo by Alexander Andrews on Unsplash