In her smash hit What’s Love Got To Do With It?, Tina Turner reduces that most noble form of human affection (Germans call it Liebe, Italians Amore) to “a second hand emotion,” “a sweet old fashioned notion,” and a mere cascade of biochemistry – “opposites attract/it’s physical, only logical.” Poor Tina.
But in looking to the Stars for love this Valentine’s Day, are we not acting in a similar fashion to Ms. Turner – reducing something seemingly intimate, profound, unique, and special to the distant, mechanical grind of planets in orbit? Perhaps.
Nonetheless, this Valentine’s Day looks promising for romance and love (astrologically speaking). How so? Well, Venus and an exalted Mars are going to be conjunct, which will mean passion, silky innuendo, flirtation, and erotic charge (the two planets are dallying with each other in this exalted state until March 6th). Moreover, the Moon, our emotional pulse, will be in watery Cancer during the day and shifts into showy and fun Leo at nighttime. Let’s look a little closer now to the signs for their romance forecast.
Mercury (communication), Venus (love), and an exalted Mars (drive) in your Public Self sector suggest that you should definitely go out on the tiles to express your affection to a beloved, spouse, or partner. The Moon shifting in fiery Leo in the eve will also be making a beautiful trine to your Sun: warm emotional fun glow. Leo Moon+Public self stellium=diamond gleams for V Day.
With the Moon cresting your Home sector on Valentine’s, consider staying in and keeping it more low key and sensual, as is your nature anyhow. Lovely Venus, your ruling planet, will also be transiting your 9th House of Long Distance Journeys and Foreign places. If you are planning a night in, try a new recipe and/or wine from a distant land. They say France is good for both.
Your Intimacy Zone is being kindled with a conjunction of exalted Mars+Venus (passion). Mercury (communication) will also be transiting this sector of your chart, so you may be extra expressive to your Valentine, saying things that you haven’t before, good things, things to bring you closer together–because intimacy only arises from words softly and truly spoken.
A group of planets (exalted Mars, Venus and Mercury) are well placed in your Partnership zone for Valentine’s. Mercury (communication) departs this sector of your chart on the 15th, so make sure to express your feelings to your partner. Mercury brings clarity to that sometimes inarticulate realm of feelings. With the Moon, your ruler, in your sign most of the day, you’re going to be extra open to love’s ingress.
Lucky you: the Moon will shift into your sign on Valentine’s night, shining its spotlight on the stage of the Leo Show. They say it’s better to give than to receive but with the lunar energy in your Ego sector the cosmos will make an exception for you. The emotional Moon might have you wanting to check a romantic comedy–go for a classic (“When Harry Met Sally”). The new rom coms are empty and tawdry.
You win this Valentine’s Day. First, Jupiter is camped out in your Relationship zone (Jupiter governs over unions/marriages). Second, Venus (love), exalted Mars (drive), and Mercury (your ruling planet) are all up in your 5th House of Romance. If you were a poker player, this is like being dealt a royal flush. Bet it all on love. You’ve got the good cards. No need to bluff.
With your ruling planet, lovely Venus, conjunct an exalted Mars in your Home sector, it’s time to close the curtains, light candles, put your phone on mute, and rock some slow jams on the sound system for Valentine’s Day. Balance the night out with the weight of your romantic counterpart, dancing cheek to cheek, gentle Libra.
This is going to be a Valentine’s of real talk, with your ruling planet exalted Mars (drive), Venus (love), and Mercury (wordsmithery) in your Communication zone. Ask for what you want (proactive Mars+Mercury) in respect to love (Venus) this day and night. More affection? Less affection? Romantic Comedy instead of a fancy dinner coming with a Mount Eden Chardonnay (1973)? Say so, Scorpio.
With Mars (drive), Venus (love, money) and Mercury (communication, commerce) in your Money sector, there may be an urge to splurge on Valentine’s. If you’ve got the funds, it might make sense to go with the transit and spend big. Keep it mind, though, that your optimistic nature tends to see the glass (and the checking account) as always half full. Don’t spend what you don’t have, Archer, and remember: ultimately love doesn’t cost a thing.
A bevy of planets in your Selfhood sector–including Mercury (communication), Mars (drive), and Venus (love)--could very well make your much more expressive and affectionate than you’re conserative nature is known for this Valentine’s. With the emotional Moon in your Partnership zone, a lot of this affection will be flowing in that direction, like the river in gorgeous, mysterious folk songs.
You have a lot of Capricorn energy highlighting your House of Unconscious, so spending some time alone today to think about love goals and what you want can be really beneficial. The evening looks more exciting with the emotional moon shifting into fiery Leo and your relationship sector. Even though your nature is to be a bit aloof, some of the Aquarian distance should collapse into the loving embrace of a sweetheart, eager for touch.
Jupiter is underrated when it comes to love–we tend to give more credence to Venus and the Moon. But Jupiter is the dark horse of romance vibes, ruling over weddings and the like. Ultimately Jupiter wants to expand beyond narrow limits of love, so your Valentine heart will be extra free and without borders, which is perfect for your free flowing nature, Fishes.
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