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How to reinvent your home, courtesy interior designer Tamsin Johnson

Interior Designer Tamsin Johnson how to reorganise your home isolation

Is it just us, or are your homes feeling a little the same of late? It could be said that we've never known our spaces more intimately. Perhaps that arm chair would look better in the corner. Now feels like a good time move things around - or mood board - if nothing else.

Fortunately, interior designer Tamsin Johnson, responsible for such spaces as Rae's On Wategos, is here to shed light on where to start. (A spoiler: these things take time.) Plus, her favourite online stores, and what she'd invest in first on an isolation budget.

We are all at home all the time so suddenly our space has become more important than ever. When it comes to redesigning / updating our homes where do we start? 

Home furnishings in the current environment are a little bit easier - not so easy to get your floors re-done and move out at the moment. It’s also an incredible time to look and invest in art and furniture at the moment - it’s a process that shouldn’t be rushed and nobody is rushing right now. For me, my antiques business is actually really busy- I think it’s the first time in a long time, people are sitting in their homes and thinking about what they need and taking the time to find it.


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Do you live by any rules when planning where to put things in a room? Are there any no-no’s?

No two homes or spaces are the same and equally no rules apply but having a bit of restraint is always important. The best rooms are those that look a little incomplete and not too ‘decorated’.

If you were on an isolation budget, what three things would you invest in?

Not including good food and wine - books, flowers and music.


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What are your favourite online / stores for sourcing furniture and accessories?

1stdibs - no secret but it’s the best. I also love Idea Books in the UK.

Travel has always been a huge source of your inspiration, where will you look to now?

Travel still is a huge source of inspiration. While we can’t physically travel at the moment, it doesn’t mean we can’t be inspired. At home at the moment we are working our way through every recipe from Lorenza De Medici’s The Villa Table. We can also do this through film - we just re-watched I Am Love last night and The Great Beauty the night before. It’s easier to travel from the living room than first thought.