Does anyone else miss art exhibitions? We'd be lying if we said we didn't. But our favourite galleries have moved fast to soften the pain of distance with online art platforms that support artists in the process.
Chicane.space is a new one. The online-only platform was launched just last night by artists Jonny Niesche and Andy Boot, and arts writer Mariam Arcilla, as a considered space for creators to connect with their audiences.
For those who are using this time to curate their home and are able to invest in art, it's also a new place to find it. And in the spirit of solidarity, full proceeds from artwork editions will go directly to the artists.
And the name?
"The word 'chicane' describes a serpentine bend in the road, inserted by design to force cars to slow down and meditate on their next move," explain the founders.
Angelika Loderer, Pretend To Be Fine, 2020.
"Chicane.space is the curve that aims to circumvent this limbo experienced by many of us in the art world."
It's a sentiment we can get behind. Guest curators will organise chicane.space's weekly virtual exhibitions. And in keeping with the community vibe, chicane will facilitate conversations between artists, curators and collaborators on how we'll connect with art in the future.
Vienna-based artist Angelika Loderer is first on the online art platform's schedule, with the appropriately titled Pretend to Be Fine. True to her philosophical-meets-conceptual approach, a launch video sees her transforming unusually shaped eggs. Hollowed out by hand, the fragile food industry rejects are filled with concrete and dust to form oddly beautiful sculptures. Strength comes from the strangest places.
With a secret list of celebrated artists to join the chicane.space calendar, it would be wise to stay tuned. Follow chicane.space on Instagram to keep the creative spirit alive.