Our Full Moon arrives early on the morning of 26 January. It will be at its fullest point at 4:54am AEDT landing in fiery Leo. Traditionally called the Wolf Moon, January's Full Moon takes its name from the howling wolves crying out from hunger during the barren peak of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. It has also been called "The Center Moon" as this Moon marks the midway point of the winter season in the North, acting as a sign that the fertile promise of spring is not far.
The energetic peak of the Moon Cycle, Full Moons can be emotional. They tend to expose covert influences humming under the surface and offer us an opportunity for enlightenment - should we choose to take it. Full Moons are also the time that the fruits of your manifestation reveal themselves for harvest. In this way they can be both transformative and cleansing.
What to expect from the Wolf Full Moon in Leo
As this particular event falls into Leo, this Full Moon brings us confidence and also a desire for self-gratification. It's a joyful and also an intensely passionate combination. Leo will challenge even the most timid of us to do what we enjoy the most, and offer us the confidence to do it. Whether that means booking a last minute holiday or cancelling your plans last minute to stay in a read, the energy surrounding us at this time will be begging you to indulge.
Of course, for those of us who are already willingly answer all of their own desires without a second thought (we're looking at you Fire Signs), this Leo Moon does come with word of warning - be measured and clear of your intentions. Understand what you want to receive from this time, as it will be easy to be steered off your path into less productive avenues. Pick the desires you choose to answer with a measured hand.
Be careful of letting your inner most desires take charge
Jupiter in Taurus aggressively squares against the Moon, and as a result you may find your inner self begging for over indulgence - bordering on self-destruction. Now that Pluto has entered Aquarius to stoke the fires of rebellion, its so easy to feel emboldened to desert your responsibilities for more pleasurable pursuits. While immediate gratification can be oh-so temping, keep your eyes on the prize. Remember what you really want and always try to work in your own best interests.
Likewise, do not allow yourself to inflate so much that you feel impervious to critique. Feedback is a gift - even if it doesn't always feel like it. If you allow yourself to be open to the support words of others, whether at work or from a friend with your best interests at heart, then you will have a true opportunity to grow and self-actualise. It can be hard to open yourself up to criticism, but if you do, know that you will be all the better for it.
If all else fails, try to channel the lingering pragmatism of Capricorn - where Mercury, Venus and Mars still sit. With this grounding Earth Sign acting as the dominating force in the planets governing communications, relationship and instinct, you'll have an anchor to cling to if the Leo Moon encourages you to cast off and leave caution to the wind.
Image: Photo by Yash Prajapati on Unsplash