Fashion / Style

Shopping on Instagram and everything you can purchase via DM


When Instagram launched almost 10 years ago, its inception saw it emerge as a photo-sharing app and little more. Facebooks more creative, less chatty cousin, if you will. Almost a decade of development later and Instagram serves to function in a way that many of us hadn't foreseen - as a launchpad for businesses and a vehicle for endless information - stored in one app.

The ability to buy and sell via Instagram is no new phenomenon, and the ways in which the Instagram app has been able to adapt to cater to this has been vast and rapid. With marketing techniques available at the click of a few buttons, the Instagram shop function and of course, the ever-reliable DM-to-purchase rhetoric, anyone can launch a business by simply signing up to the app, cutting endless corners. Instagram is no longer just an app for businesses to celebrate and display their goods, it is a vehicle to sell them too. Below, we've rounded up some of our favourite accounts that sell via DM to purchase.


Love Well Sourced


For the second-hand jewellery lover. Until the site is live, you can purchase antique and vintage jewellery via Love Well Sourced's Instagram account which offers a curated range of forever pieces that tell stories with sustainability front-of-mind. Is there nothing more special?


Studio Books


A new player in the game, studio books is for anyone with an affinity for rare second-hand books of the architecture and art variety. Perfect for the coffee table and beyond. The offering includes copies of favourites such as Global Architecture, Global Interior, and rare Japanese architecture journals.


Amis & Co


Hand made in the Byron hinterland, Amis & Co offers one of a kind wood-fired ceramics in every iteration. With each piece wood-fired in an Anagama kiln, Amis & Co creates limited pieces on a quarterly schedule that reflect place and time. No two pieces are the same, which makes them all the more precious - I would know - I once broke a mug and cried about it for days.


Casa Shop


Casa Shop is easily one of the most covetable homewares pages that reigns Instagram with one of the most competitive buying guides out there. Providing uniquely sourced second-hand homewares that often yell holidays and disconnecting, you ought to be quick if you'd like to snag something from them. Once an item is posted, buyers are required to immediately DM the page (first in, best dressed) and pay their invoice within the hour. Rigorous rules yield the best rewards.


Constantina VintageĀ 


Look no further for the perfect gold chain. One of a kind vintage pieces are brought to you by Constantina Vintage, and acquired by none other than the humble DM. Each purchase is personal and thoughtful and if a vast offering of costume and fine gold chain jewellery doesn't have you swooning, we're yet to understand what will.


Shop Vintage Collection


Adored by the likes of Bella Hadid, Shop Vintage Collection are long-time veterans of the DM to purchase model. If you're looking for the perfect oversized vintage blazer, you'll need to look no further. While based in the US, shipping is available, and each piece is assuredly worth the wait.

Image credits: @lovewellsourced, @studiobooks_, @Amis_and_co, @casa_shop, @constantinavintage, @svc___.