Culture / TV

Trouble sleeping? Try Headspace’s new ‘choose your own adventure’ experience on Netflix

Looking for the best sleep you've had in a long time? Let me tell you about Headspace's latest film experience on Netflix.

If you missed it, the renowned meditation app moved into TV and film last year with its Netflix features Guide to Meditation and Guide to Sleep. And now it's created a third instalment, Unwind Your Mind.

Unwind Your Mind isn't your typical filmic experience. This animated feature is a 'choose your own adventure' style pathway to relaxation. The experience allows watchers to select how they're feeling and the goal they're trying to achieve before taking you through a guided exercise to help unwind and relax. Once you're done, you then have the option to go back and choose another route to proceed to 'sleep stories'.

Now, let me tell you the first time I tried this, I was ready to fall asleep in just a few minutes - something that normally requires me to take a sleeping pill. My racing, over-stimulated minds was put to rest almost instantaneously. I tried it next on a day where my partner said he was experiencing unusual feelings of anxiety. Despite some initial misgivings, I sat him down in front of the program. Lo and behold, he was asleep in less than five minutes.

The experience offers three customisable paths: meditation, relax or sleep. From there, you are able to tailor your path to your in-the-moment feelings and time constraints. And it offers a beginner's gateway to meditation and mindfulness.

“We want to give many people access to more mindfulness in their lives once more. With the help of concrete instructions, backed by science, viewers can build a healthy routine and gain a more restful sleep”, says Eve Lewis Prieto, Headspace Director of Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher.

The experience launched on Netflix on June 15 and is currently available to all Netflix subscribers in Australia - and be ready for the best sleep of your life. Watch the trailer below.



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Image:  Casey Horner on Unsplash