One of the 12 global finalists for the Woolmark International Prize, Australian designer Marina Afonina takes us on tour in London as she showcases her Woolmark collection for Albus Lumen.

"Arrived [at the] Woolmark Offices at Hystorial Somerset House."

"Favourite little tapas place near our hotel! Best food and vibe. Perfect way to finish the day."

"Beautiful view from rooftop at our Trafalgar St James Hotel.
We have been so lucky with the weather!"

"Pure Interna details from the Fairfax shoot today. Shoes by my dear friends at @neous that couldn’t be more perfect for the collection. Good to have friends with benefits."

"Another sunny day in London. Team Albus down East Side enjoying the sun before the big day.
At Brawn Restaurant which we loved!"

"Always great to see dear friend photographer James Nelson. He is an absolute foodie
and always introducing me to great food spots in London ..."

"The night before. Having last dinner with all finalists at the Somerset House."

"The day of! Had an amazing morning talking with all the judges. Meeting fashion legend Alber Elbaz was one the highlights."

"Backstage with Albus Girls wearing [the] Pure Interna collection."