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Photographer Mitch Noakes sends postcards from Israel

From the magnetic clusters of Tel Aviv to the cinematic sprawl of the Masada Desert. Photographer Mitch Noakes took his camera to the shores of Israel to capture the country's majestic contrasts: past and present, mountains and sea, city limits and natural expanse. Below he shares his favourite memories from the trip.

"Frishman Beach."

"The density of Tel Aviv."

"The mountains in the distance is Jordan. The water is the Dead Sea."

"The freshest man on the beach in Tel Aviv."

"The mountains in the distance is Jordan.
The water is the Dead Sea."

"The Wailing Wall." 

"Inside the Old City, Jerusalem."

"Masada Desert."

"Judean Desert."

"The Wailing Wall."

"Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem."

The Dead Sea. 

"This is from the top of Masada, where an ancient fortress still exists."