Culture / People

Melanie Jarnson is the fresh face you need to know about

Melanie Jarnson

There isn't much Melanie Jarnson can't do. Hang upside down from a clothesline? Sorted. Speak three languages? Easy. Star alongside some of the world's biggest actors? Of course, it's her day job. It only makes sense then, that the Thai-Australian actress and model is quickly becoming one to watch – and watch closely we plan to.

Committed to her vision and very much enjoying the ride along the way, it's this sense of assured playfulness from Jarnson that has us turning heads. This feeling that an afternoon spent in her company is guaranteed to be an adventure for the history books.

Here, she takes us on that same journey, running amuck during a quintessential summer afternoon in the sun with photographer Kristina Yenko. What are they doing, exactly? Hanging out laundry, of course.


Melanie Jarnson


The first thing you should know about me is …

Food is my love language.


My star sign is …

Aquarius – but I don't have the slightest clue about astrology.


My secret talent is …

I can flare my nostrils to the melody of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.


Melanie Jarnson

Something I truly believe in is …

Your thoughts become the house you live in. Take care of your mind if you want to take care of your body/soul.


Someone I look up to is …

My mum. She has been a truck driver, worked in a mine, a cook on a trawler, a cleaner, a bartender, a skydiving instructor, a nurse, a journalist, and so many more things in her time on this earth. She’s lived a wonderful life.


The most important lesson I’ve learned is …

I moved countries six times before turning 18, attended mostly French international schools growing up, and struggled with my Thai/Australian identity. I really felt out of place and thought all these things were flaws, to blame for not ‘belonging’ anywhere I went, reinventing myself from move to move and hiding the fact that my family wasn’t wealthy like my peers’. I really envied people who grew up in the same small town and had a community. Since moving to Australia six years ago, I’ve gradually come to learn that travelling the world as a child, being trilingual, and coming from a family of hard-workers is in fact a huge privilege that I should be grateful for. I’m slowly coming to terms with no longer hiding my upbringing, and instead being humbled by it.



My favourite film is …

The Lord Of the Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring.


First impressions are …

Important! But not gospel. "It takes a moment to judge someone, yet a lifetime to understand them" is a quote I need to remind myself constantly of.


When my imagination runs wild it …

Spends a lot of time making up fictional creatures and fantasy landscapes, new scores. So random but it’s always been that way.


Three words to describe me are …

Horses, food, forgetful.


This year has been …

Probably the most challenging. Like so many, I really missed my parents, friends and family in Thailand, more than I ever have in the 3 years I haven’t been back. This year taught me to appreciate home to the fullest and squeeze my loved ones tighter than ever when I get back.


The most exciting project I worked on in 2021 was…

A film starring Liam Neeson, directed by Mark Williams (of Ozark). Was a nice bit of fun.


My idea of paradise is …

Middle Earth Film set. Please!


Melanie Jarnson

Melanie Jarnson


Introvert or extrovert?

Both. I’m nervous around new people and crowded spaces... but I’m also the loudest person in the room with my nearest and dearest.


Creatively I’m feeling …

I'm a little bit all over the place at the moment (creatively). My best ideas usually come at the most inconvenient times.


I won’t compromise …

Genuine interactions. If it involves fake smiling, I’m not going.


The future looks…

Gosh – it looks both terrifying, bleak, polluted... but also more inclusive, fair and equal. Hopefully the latter prevents the former.


My words to live by are…

ใจเย็นเย็น (Jai Yen Yen) = Cool Heart in Thai. You say this when you need to take a beat, be still, keep calm.


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PHOTOGRAPHY Kristina Yenko
FASHION Stephanie Rizzo
TALENT Melanie Jarnson @ Chadwick Models