
Your love horoscopes for 2024 have landed, and this is what romance looks like for you in the new year

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It's no secret that we often look to the stars to give us guidance on the romantic happenings of our lives. An iconic pairing, astrology and romance are meant for each other. So, when your love sphere is feeling a little uncertain, it feels only natural to put your faith in the powers that be, which is why your 2024 love horoscopes are here to give you the direction you've been searching for.

So, whether you're wanting clarity on whether to rekindle an old flame, or a timeline on finding 'the one', the stars are answering all your questions, below. Here are you love horoscopes for 2024.



This year, the big focus is on Pluto in Aquarius entering your friendship zone, and he’ll be setting up camp there for the next 20 years or so. Pluto is a powerful planet that can create deep bonds when it touches any relationship zone. Aquarius is all about community, so a new love story may unfold by saying yes to a blind date your parents set up. Or, on a more casual set up hanging out with a bunch of friends could lead you to meet someone special. You might even find that your relationship values begin to shift into a place that values people who have a vision for themselves and the world. How are they serving the world? What charities do they advocate for? These may not be the typical first date questions, but you can quickly figure out what side of humanity they lean on.


Last year, you enjoyed Jupiter in Taurus boosting your self-confidence and desires. Hopefully, you've gained a better understanding of who you are and what you want in your love life. As Jupiter in Taurus moves out of your sign come May 26th, keep enjoying the extra luxuries and indulgences Jupiter has brought your way, especially as Jupiter has one last special meeting before then. Uranus in Taurus joins Jupiter on April 21st. This is a rare transit most of us haven’t witnessed. You might meet someone around this time that could be completely not your type, but something about them draws you in. Give it a chance, and keep an open mind.


Since May 16th last year, Jupiter has been moving through your house of dreams and wishes, and now it's shining a light on your individuality. You’re in the spotlight Gemini, so soak it all up and don’t shy away from it. You may even have a secret admirer that may finally come out of the shadows. The main key for your happiness in your relationships for the second half of the year is freedom. Free to be yourself, free to book a trip to a mystery island and free to be curious. Make sure to communicate this with any new partners or in your current relationships, so everyone is on the same page.


At the beginning of the year, on January 11th, the New Moon in Capricorn blasted open your relationship zone, helping you say out loud what you truly desire, without thinking you’re asking for ‘too much’. When the next full moon in Capricorn arrives on December 30th, it's a chance to see how your relationships have evolved based on this new vision. Since 2008, Pluto has been moving through your relationship sector, and now it's diving even deeper into your intimate connections. Think as close as Bonnie and Clyde.


Last year, you experienced a significant Venus retrograde in your sign, and some of those themes will be revisited when Mars goes retrograde in your sign on December 6th. However, before we get there, Pluto's move into your relationship sector marks a profound journey of self-discovery within closer connections. While this is a long-term transit, pay attention when Venus moves into Aquarius on December 7th. In the following weeks, you'll learn the true meaning of trust and who deserves your full loyalty.


Last year, Saturn in Pisces moved through your 7th house of relationships, which typically leads to two outcomes. Either you're ready to fully commit, having gained clarity on which relationships are built to last. Or, you may find yourself renegotiating the terms of your relationships. This could mean peacefully ending a relationship or confidently expressing your needs and boundaries. Regardless, your confidence is evident in your voice, so now is the time to speak up and assert your true desires. The genie is out of the bottle.


Hey Libra, now's the perfect time for travel and the chance to meet new connections with folks you can have soul-nourishing conversations with. With Jupiter in Gemini moving into your house of international adventures on May 25th, his 9 month spin here might even land you into getting lost in love with a holiday romance. Additionally, since last summer, the South Node has been transitioning into your house, supporting you in shedding old identities and labels that no longer align with the person you're becoming. Where are your new tastes taking fold in the relationship department?


Since May last year, the lucky planet Jupiter has been enhancing your relationships in your house. Being in Taurus, it's been helping you understand your true desires in relationships and find stability without things getting dull. On May 25th, it moves into your 8th house, allowing you to discern which connections foster your personal growth and from whom you can learn. Pay attention to your relationships around October 14th, as Venus in Scorpio is opposite Uranus in Taurus, shaking the foundations of your intimate connections, so that they can feel even more real, authentic and creative.


This year, get ready to encounter a variety of lovers, muses, and artists from all over the world. But, you have to put some effort on your part to meet them in the middle. On May 25th, Jupiter shifts into Gemini, entering your house of relationships. What's even better is that Venus in Gemini aligns loosely with Jupiter in the last week of May, making it the ideal time to plan a series of indulgent romantic rendezvous. Take the opportunity to envision your dreamy date on a vision board, to manifest the ultimate Shakespearean romance—one without a dramatic ending.


Since May last year, Jupiter in Taurus has been swirling in your romance zone, but it's packing up its bags on May 25th, to move on to another angle of your chart. Take a moment to reflect: How have you redefined romance during this time? How have you romanticised your life? There's still time to dive into these questions. When the summer solstice arrives, marking your yearly relationship reset as Cancer season begins in your relationship sector. It’s a perfect excuse to wine and dine yourself. Whether you're single or in a relationship, give your heart space to dive into the true waters of vulnerability. There is no such thing as a permanent ‘frozen heart’.


If you haven't caught wind of it yet, you need to take a moment to absorb this news: Pluto, the planet of transformation, is by your side. Your wingman you never knew you needed. Get ready because your relationships are undergoing a significant evolution, simply because over the course of the next 20 years or so, you’ll be getting to know yourself from the root up. Above all, your relationships should be spaces where you feel liberated. While Pluto may briefly dip back into Capricorn between September 1st and November 19th this year, this 20-year transit will help you shed any fear of being your authentic self. Remember, the more you hide in your relationships, the more unfulfilled you'll feel, so don't start now.


Love for you this year needs to be a space where you can just be a big kid again. This is an invitation for your inner child to roam freely. Jupiter, the planet of luxury and abundance, moves into Gemini on May 25th, signalling a time of playful connections. Your emotional zone is energised, encouraging you to take more risks than usual. So, Pisces don’t wait too long to respond to that random DM. Even though Saturn in Pisces has been circulating around you since last year. He’s still forging forward to help you set clear boundaries with a new beau or even in your current partnerships so you don't feel swept away by someone else's vision of how a relationship should look.



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