If you are telling me that you don't want another Twilight film, you're lying. Just kidding, but would you blame me if i wasn't? In the past two years, our pandemic ridden, internet-living younger generation has been part of what can only be called a Twilight resurgence. And with it, the globe's collective fervour for Robert Pattinson as an 100 year old vampire posing as a high school student, the phrase "Bella, where have you been loca?", and creepy CGI vampire baby Renesmee has only multiplied. David Cronenberg, film director of all things weird and wonderful, has tapped into this burgeoning energy with one exceptionally exciting suggestion: getting the R-Patz and K-Stew gang back together.
Before you have a meltdown about a sixth Twilight film in the works wherein Jacob marries his child bride, Cronenberg is not planning to loop Stephanie Meyer back into the Zeitgeist just yet. He has, however, been quite open about how much he would enjoy an on-screen reunion between the two co-actors and exes.
Is David Cronenberg making a movie with Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart?
Not yes, but not no? This is what we know so far. Cronenberg is currently nursing an obsession with Stewart, who recently worked with him on his upcoming horror film, Crimes of the Future, which debuted this week at Cannes Film Festival. Reportedly, Cronenberg went for a little coffee with film critic Jordan Ruimmy, who posted to his website that they discussed what it might be like to bring Pattinson (who Cronenberg worked on Cosmopolis and Maps to the Stars with) and Stewart back together (professionally) on a new project all this time forward.
"It was Robert who actually introduced me to Kristen." Ruimmy quoted Cronenberg. "They have developed beautifully, separately, as actors. Making arthouse movies and successfully carrying that off. Kristen and I had a great time and Rob and I had a great time. For me, yeah, I can definitely think of a movie, or idea, that would be great to have them both together. I don’t want to get into it because it wouldn’t be my next movie, however, it might be problematic since fans might expect a certain kind of relationship and that would get in the way of creating new characters for them. So, I have a strange feeling that might be problematic, so it’s only theoretical for now.” All good David.
Considering the on screen PDA between Zoe Kravitz and Pattinson in The Batman, we do believe this union is what we deserve as redemption at this point. Maybe he can work them into a new horror concept? You can be sure we'll be intently watching this space for developments, even if they do occur in 3-5 years. Divine timing, my friends!