Beauty / Trend

Give in to isolation and just hit snooze

We’ve all been thrown into isolation and been forced to slow down. Whether you like it or not. But the feelings of going stir crazy aside, perhaps this is just what we need? Our society is hell-bent on keeping busy and exhaustion is often seen as the ultimate sign of success we were well overdue for a realignment. We used to feel guilty about hitting snooze when there was the daily commute to attend to. But now? I’ll recommend, just this once, to follow the rules, just stay inside and make friends with your snooze button. 

Save our sleep:

We could use this time to up our at-home workout routines. Hell, I’ve even shared my personal favourites. But as much as moving our bodies is good for our mind, slowing down our bodies is also beneficial to our health. We need to maximise sleep. I mean, it's good for your skin! And if you’re having trouble finding it, you could try our guide for a more restful sleep. Maybe it’s just a new set of sleepwear that will do the trick. 

Model behaviour:

Or if you’re one for modelling your behaviour off of others then look to our model muses as another reason to stay in bed. We’re all in this together. And if you’re getting made to feel guilty for your restful ways? Tell them Kaia made you do it. And take comfort in the fact that when you’re resolutely staying in bed, Alexandra is doing just the same.  

Keep your puppy by your side. Or share the bed with your loved ones - big and small. Vittoria and Iris are all for sinking into the comfort of your pillows. Maybe we’ll take our Zoom calls from bed moving forward? Or just take the advice of comedy king Larry David and watch TV, damnit. There are worse ways to spend a day.