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Adrian Meško presents Scrapbook: 2

Photographer and long-time RUSSH contributor, Adrian Meško, sees right through you - through the glitter and artifice of your glossy, modern life, through those parts you desperately want to have seen - and instead fixes his gaze on the moments in between. The innocuous daily happenings, fleeting as they may be, that give true insight into the human character: the stance you assume while talking on the phone when you think no one is watching, or the way your smile looks when you're not posing for the camera. Meško finds beauty in these slivers of ordinary living, and through his lens makes them beautiful to us too.

Following the success of his first Scrapbook project, Mesko presents Scrapbook: 2, a handmade "physical manifestation of photography, come to life by way of the artist". Pieced together with time and tape, the works are "part document, part meditation" on his recent photographic work, "the culmination of a year of work mixed with previous obsessions". Only 20 copies of the book were produced, each with a unique cover, and will be presented at Librarie Yvon Lambert in Paris on September 28 from 5pm.