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Waking up in Mexico

It is said that the way you spend New Year’s Eve is a sign of things to come. If this is the case, for New York-based photographer and RUSSH regular contributor Adrian Meško, 2018 will be a year of overseas adventures, warm hospitality, new friends and old, midnight swims, plates of the freshest, locally-sourced food, and conversations to remember for decades to come.

Here, Meško shares with RUSSH a series of photographs capturing his New Year’s spent in Santa Catarina, Mexico at the home of architect Emmanuel Picault along with “an eclectic mix of artists, architects, engineers ...”. A number of Mesko’s photographs documenting this time have made their way into the photographer’s latest Temps Des Reves collection – a project that sees a selection of Meško’s favourite images printed onto hand rolled silk scarves.