Fashion / Style

Your daily dose of inspiration via WFH ‘fits

It is safe today in today’s climate that working from home and even the ability to work from home is a pure luxury. Due to the increasing economic consequences of COVID-19, many people have faced job cuts, pay cuts, redundancies and more. More so the one’s working from home now need to negotiate all day intense closeness with housemates, partners, family and the challenges of children.

In the spirit of positivity however, a little motivation to get up every morning and get dressed for the day is something we all need. It’s easy to fall in a slump when lacking our usual routines, navigating life from your bedroom, kitchen, living area and home office (if you're lucky). Times, they have drastically changed and though isolation means you won't get to see anyone, it doesn’t mean you still can’t get dressed up for the day right?

Enter the latest in Instagram noteworthy accounts, Working From Home Fits (@wfhfits). An account where isolation goers and quarantiners around the world share their working from home (#WFH) outfits (fits). Everything from frilly over the top gowns, blazers and pyjama shorts, socks and sandals, even matching your crocs with your best dress or opting for an exclusive colour scheme that ties in with specific household items and products. Many creative choices here.

Whatever you choose, remember to have fun with it – even Marc Jacobs and Frank Ocean have had their turn. Whether it’s for a Zoom meeting, Facetime call or for a day spent behind your laptop with absolutely no contact, there’s really no wrong way to get dressed up or down when working from home. Let your imagination run wild with inspiration, and be sure to submit your WFH fit via DM to the page.