Fashion / Style

How to wear ‘Regencycore’ – the 18th-century-inspired fashion trend

The sudden popularity and borderline obsession with Bridgerton has launched the sartorial concept of regencycore into the popculture stratosphere.

But in reality, Bridgerton did not start regencycore as a trend. It's a style that has been lingering at the fringe of fashion for decades. Brands like Vivienne Westwood have consistently offered nods to 18th century stylings throughout the near 50 year history of the brand. Designers like Jean Paul Gaultier and Margiela have always leaned on corsetry. And more recently brands like Celine have featured high Victorian collars as seen in the Teen Knight Poem showcase.

So what exactly is Regencycore? Well, in essence, this look is simply about taking style notes or appropriating sartorial themes from the regency era. Think, corsets, detailed collars, structured lace, bows, pearls and more. It may feel like a recent fad - but it's certainly not. It is one of those timeless trends that regularly takes centre stage as a fashion trend.

According to Australian curator from Depop, Dara Petlueng, regencycore has always been popular in the realm of vintage fashion - not simply because of a certain TV show.

“These trends have been staples in the Depop community throughout the last year, however the rise or regencycore became more noticeable with the revival of Vivienne Westwood's pearl chokers and iconic 90s corsets featuring 18th-century paintings being seen on celebrities such as Bella Hadid, FKA Twiggs, and Kylie Jenner.

"This translated on the app with "Vivienne Westwood" and "Vivienne Westwood Pearl Choker" for example increasing in demand and being featured as a trending search.”

With this in mind, it's certainly a case for adding some of these styling cues into your own wardrobe. Without further ado, below, see our edit of the coolest regencycore pieces - both new and vintage to add into your wardrobe.


Lady-like hair pieces

Lelet NY, Amber Sceats clips, Victorian hair pin


Statement puff sleeves

Brock Collection Organza Peplum Top, Topshop corset blouse, Collared blouse



regencycore corset
Vintage corset, Auteur corset, Dion Lee corset


Dresses with structure

regencycore dresses

Martin Martin organza-trimmed dress, Giola Bini dress, SWF dress


Pearl and pendant necklaces

regencycore necklaces

Vivienne Westwood pearl choker, Ana Luisa necklace, Arms of Eve necklace


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