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Weekends at home with Fashion & Beauty Director Billie Iveson

Sometimes spending a weekend at home is the greatest luxury of all - having the time to potter around, read, do your washing and cook. More and more I believe you have to allow yourself the space and time to think and be creative – even if it goes against our frenetic world and the feeling of having to account for every moment of our day.

Stay / Eat ...
I live in Bondi so am always near the ocean. I love doing the Bondi-Bronte walk as much as possible, and it's great being within walking distance to so many good bars and cafes. My favourites The Shop Wine Bar (best salads and happy hour wines), Native Drops Cellars (natural wine cellar), Mamasan (for the margaritas) Tipica for pizza and Brown Sugar for breakfast.

Do ...
Not much! I love spending a day at home and then planning a dinner party and giving myself time to cook. Now that the weather is warming up sitting outside in my garden at dusk to eat is perfect. Often I overextend myself with planning a full Ottolenghi-style slow cooked feast but that’s part of the fun, and an extra hour drinking wine with guests waiting for the food to be ready isn’t the worst thing in the world. Maybe I need his new cookbook Simple ...

I am never without a candle burning – different ones for different rooms and times of year. I love Diptyque Baies candle and Fornasetti do lovely heavier scents for winter.

Putting on a record: I’m slowly building my vinyl collection and have got some great gifts recently.

I always love fresh flowers in the house and go to Bondi markets most Saturdays to stock up and replenish.

Read: Currently I’m reading Seth Godin and have just finished The Voyeur's Motel by Gay Talese which was such a fascinating story. I always have a stack of books to get through – next is Meg Wolitzer’s The Female Persuasion.

Lounge – staying in a bikini all day post-beach and lounging and reading is a summer dream. I have a great Lounge Lovers L shaped couch and also their Hampton chair. Comfort (but still beautiful) is key.