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Vintage Prints at Gruin Gallery, Southampton

Never without a few rolls of film on hand, photographer Marcia Resnick ran with New York’s highly exclusive music and art-lit scene in the
late 70s and early 80s. Warhol, Burroughs, Iggy Pop and Mick Jagger among them, Resnick captured these free-wheeling revolutionaries as they
went about their nightly rituals, frequenting local haunts like Studio 54, the Mudd Club and Peter Gatien's Limelight, well into the late-night hours.

These vintage prints, originally compiled for Resnick’s recent book: Punks, Poets & Provocateurs: New York City Bad Boys 1977-1982, are now
on view at The Barn – the new Gruin Gallery Southampton space, along with featured works by artists Jean-Michel Basquiat,
Jonathan Rosen, Mint & Serf, Michael Halsband and a never before shown Keith Haring. The Barn is located at Jue Lan Club, 268 Elm Street Southampton.