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Photography as Therapy at the School of Life, Sydney

The eyes focus; then the mind, then the lens. All that matters is this place and time, and the beauty that's right in front of you. If mindfulness is, as described by philosopher Lao Tzu “the practice of purposely focusing your attention on the present moment – and accepting it without judgment", then it should come as no surprise that the art of photography might be a way to reach it. This is the concept being explored in Photography as Therapy, this Saturday August 13, a workshop on offer as part of The School of Life’s new residence in Sydney.

Joining the likes of London, Paris, Antwerp and Melbourne, The School of Life – co-founded by philosopher Alain de Botton – permanently opened its Sydney doors in July and is now running a regular schedule of classes, workshops and special events. Need a little help to realise your potential?  There's a session for that. Or why not get try next month’s Feast of Great ideas – a discussion of memory at Surry Hills' Folonomo. The ultimate in food for thought.