Photographer Jake Terrey found himself in Italy by chance this past winter. With nothing but time and a camera, his only brief was to capture, well, whatever he wanted. "It's a difficult position to be in where I find that all the most interesting experiences I've had came without any forewarning or planning on my part. Maybe the only way to appreciate your experiences is to never want for, or expect, any specifically ... All the best things happen despite your hand.
In this unexpected fashion, I found myself picking up a top of the line supercar from Ferrari HQ in Northern Italy with top of the line model, Jarrod Scott. Just a few days prior I was having stupid conversations with my cat about what I was going to doing that week. Neither he nor I had expected this ...
Jarrod and I were to take the car and tour the areas surrounding Milan. Afterwards, I was to take a far less interesting car and tour the country shooting whatever I wanted. What that was turned out to be the bizarre desolation of towns built for summer, left in the doldrums of winter time. Here is that."

"One of the towns in Cinque Terre. Shortly after this, I'd accidentally find myself on a two hour hike in my wildly inappropriate Saint Laurent boots and skinny jeans because I'm an idiot and refused to turn around."

"Jarrod basking in the sun while some locals took photos of our car. More often than not we would return to the car to find 10-20 car paparazzi (that's a thing apparently) stalking the Ferrari. There is no greater national currency than the surprise you can give people when you hop out of a rare supercar in Italy shouting 'G'DAY MATES!"

"Lake Como. Jarrod finally arrives on location after being detained by the police for half an hour who suspected we had stolen the car."

"Ghostly umbrellas retired for the low winter sun on Lake Como."

"'Let's see if we can get a shot of you with that swan!' Lake Como."

"In the port town of Genova, locals in winter coats pull last summers deck chairs into the cool sunshine to reclaim some nostalgic warmth."

"Sunset. Portofino."

"The Ferrari 488 Pista Spider. When we picked it up from HQ in Maranello, Jarrod and I were given an introductory presentation by some of Ferrari's head engineers who said among many things I didn't grasp that it was very fast. Jarrod made it to about 320kms. In a beautifully comic way, for all their knowledge these two engineers couldn't get Powerpoint to work, so after 15 minutes of us sitting awkwardly while they stuck cables in things and reset laptops they gave up, exclaiming, "Ahhh, must have been made by Lamborghini!""

"A girl in Riomaggiore, the last of the five towns of Cinque Terre."

"Somewhere on the coast of Cinque Terre."

"A young Italian boy showing off his dances moves on Boccadasse beach in Genova. When I asked his mother if I could take his photo she repeated to him, "He is an artist. He is weird"."

"An old Italian man taking in the sites of Lake Como. We had a conversation about cameras using gestures instead of words. I think he had a Rolleiflex."