25 of the most popular designer bags of 2024 so far

25 of the most popular designer bags of 2024 so far

As we contemplate the most popular designer bags of 2024, it's important to take a moment to reflect on the styles that dominated the space mere months ago. One takeaway from the year just gone, is that oversized handbags have re-entered the chat.

Arguably, the designer handbag of 2023 was Bottega Veneta's beloved Andiamo with its luxurious intrecciato weave. The style was seen on the arm of everyone from Jacob Elordi and Michelle Yeoh to ASAP Rocky and Hailey Bieber. But there were other bags that caught our eye too. One such release was Loewe's Squeeze bag with its adjustable chain and everything-but-the-kitchen-sink packing potential. Over at Burberry, Daniel Lee reminded us that he is still the reigning king of accessories with his launch of shield-inspired totes and sling bags. Meanwhile, Phoebe Philo's return tempted us to claim her exorbitantly priced (and sold out) Cabas tote as a tax deduction for work... we wish.

So what designer handbags are due to take off in 2024? Miu Miu has unveiled a tote bag that we envision hauling to work, to drinks, to the beach on the weekend, and everywhere in between. While Bottega Veneta is vying for top place again with its Gemelli bag – recently seen on Dua Lipa while hanging out with her new beau Callum Turner. As for the rest? Find our hot picks for the most popular designer handbags of 2024 below.




2. MIU MIU Aventure Nappa Leather Bag




4. LOEWE Flamenco Clutch


5. GANNI Bou Bag


6. MIU MIU Leather hobo bag


7. KHAITE Elena Bag


8. CHANEL Small Hobo Bag


9. COPERNI Swipe Bag


10. BURBERRY Small Sling Bag


11. BALENCIAGA Crush Tote


12. JACQUEMUS Les Sculptures 'Le Bambino Long' Bag


13. PRADA Medium Leather Bag


14. FERRAGAMO Fiamma Crossbody


15. GIVENCHY Voyou Bag


16. DIOR Large Toujours Bag


17. BURBERRY Knight Bag


18. LEMAIRE Fortune Croissant Bag


19. MARGE SHERWOOD Black Zip Shoulder Bag


20. AXEL ARIGATO Signature Bag


21. LOUIS VUITTON CarryAll Cargo PM


22. ACNE STUDIOS Multipocket Bag


23. THE ROW 90's Bag


24. OSOI Black Folder Brot Bag


25.GUCCI Jackie Shoulder Bag


After more designer handbags? Here's a roundup of our favourite work bags that'll fit your laptop, your lunch, and look effortless while doing it. Or take a look at our favourite minimalist designer handbags.

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Feature image via GoRunway.

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