"Beginning with a lunch hosted by Chandon during what was possibly the coldest, darkest two weeks of winter, we snuggled up at the cinema to enjoy a selection of inspiring films at the 2019 Melbourne International Film Festival. Dressed head to toe in Viktoria & Woods we were delighted by Quentin Tarantino's new film at the Astor Theatre, Once Upon A Time ... In Hollywood, finishing with a party at the Forum Theatre and lots of champagne."

"My champagne cocktail suit by Viktoria & Woods."

"Melbourne International Film Festival."

"Winter fog on our way to the cinema."

"Always look up. Roof of the Forum Theatre."

"Saturday's pre-show love notes from Linden Cook and Gigi."

"Roof of the Capitol Theatre."

"Once Upon a Time ... In Hollywood post-show at the Astor."

"MIFF and Chandon lunch at Agostino."

"Abe Forsythe speaking at the preview of Little Monsters, a film in honour of his son and his son's kindergarten teacher."

"Melbourne city lights."

"1am, we kiss the evening goodnight and hang up our dancing shoes in the sleepy cab home."