Will the fashion seasons and calendar as we knew ever be the same again?
With global brands like Gucci and Saint Laurent walking away from the fashion calendar, we're at a turning point in a way we never have before.
As fate would have it, Australian label MacGraw pulled away from the classic fashion cycle a year ago. The brand chose to create two collections a year, skipping the AW sell - a move that may have saved the designer from falling victim to the cataclysmic economic events of late.
For MacGraw this has been a time to really, truly define what was important to the brand; ethical production, free-hand design, innovative fabrics, sustainable supply, but most importantly telling beautiful stories.
It's this that has inspired founders Beth and Tessa MacGraw to create their latest project: Season Desist.
MacGraw connected with some of the women that inspire the brand. The designer invited these women to find their old MacGraw pieces - from any season, newer or older - and created a series of photographs. A visual diary, shot in isolation by Levon Baird over FaceTime.
Beth and Tessa shared their inspirations for Season Desist with RUSSH, and of course the beautiful images from this visual diary.
Chloe Hill, Founder Coolpretty.cool
"Everywhere we look we’re seeing our peers across the fashion industry questioning the way things are done. But we’ve been watching it build for a while.
Mercy Sang, Model & founder POCC Magazine
The frustration with a calendar that’s meant to serve us but stifles us instead - spinning out our customers at the same time. They don’t want to buy heavy coats in summer. Or a spring dress in the depths of winter the chill. They don’t want the treasured piece they saved up to buy marked down on a sale rack.
Jill MacGraw, Beth and Tessa's mother
We have never bought into the sale mentality and deeming stock ‘old’. Our collections weave stories. They take time to develop and a lot of love to produce, so why are we pushing out this constant newness in a system we didn’t design?
Clare Press, presenter Wardrobe Crisis podcast
Stories need time to breathe.
Sheree Commerford, Sustainability advocate and Digital Entrepreneur
This campaign (for want of a better word) is part response, part provocation, part celebration. Call it a call for change. Call it a conversation with our customers and friends. Just don’t call it new season. To hell with seasons.
Akiima, trailblazing model @akiima
Creativity has no shelf-life."
Beth and Tessa MacGraw, Founders of MacGraw
Created by MacGraw, shot by Levon Baird.