Beauty / Beauty Shoots

Model Koujayn on chasing what she wants and why she never gets too comfortable

Bravery means different things to different people. But for Koujayn, bravery is about taking risks, even is it means moving to a completely different city in just one night. She's not afraid to say no because self care is about taking the time you need for yourself. And she cites her mother as her inspiration, "she moved to a new country not knowing English and raised me and my sisters on her own."

Below, we talk to the Sydney-based Pisces about her inspirations, her heroes and the one beauty product that always lives in her handbag.


I’m not afraid to …

Take risks and chase after what I want.




My star sign is …

I’m a Pisces!!!


What's the bravest thing you've ever done?

Moved to a new state overnight.



What music are you listening to right now?

I’m listening to Wizkid Made in Lagos album.


What's the quality you admire most in others?

Discipline. Honesty. Kindness. Compassion. Humble. Constantly learning.


What does self care mean to you?

Taking time for myself

Learning to say no

Letting my body and mind rest

Doing stuff for me

Pampering yourself

Just doing what make you feel good

Loving myself.



Are you an introvert or extrovert?

I feel like I’m a balance of both, I’m either quiet or loud, there’s no in between with me.


What's your favourite book?

I don’t really have a favourite book right now.



What beauty product lives in your handbag?

Lipgloss, my lips always gotta stay glossy.


What inspires you?

My mother is my inspiration she motivates me every day to take risks, learn new things, and never give up after watching her work hard and take care of me and my sisters.



My personal heroes are …

My mother. She moved to a new country not knowing English and raised me and my sisters on her own and made it appear easy, she is my hero and someone I constantly admire


I feel most myself when …

There are a few places where I can be myself, and they all have one thing in common: you don't care what other people think.

When I'm free to be myself and not worry about anything, I'm most myself. Whether it's with family, friends, I'm surrounded by people who love me.




What's the best advice you've ever been given?

Never, get too comfortable! That has always stuck with me because no matter how well you are doing, you can never get too comfortable because life can quickly humble you.




Koujayn @ KULT /  @koujayn 
Beauty by Rae Morris / @raemorrismakeup at @vivienscreative 
Hair by Adam Dyer / @adam__dyer 
Manicurist Hunter Franks / @hunterfranksmakeup
Photography by Kristina Yenko / @kristinayenko
Assisted by Chris Cao / @chriscao__

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