There's an undeniable power in music – an ability to transcend time and encapsulate the essence of life. From falling in love to facing the unfathomable hardships in life, Kita Alexander has the innate ability to capture those moments in life. Through her artful composition of evocative contemporary tones and the beauty of her introspective verses, she weaves narratives that connect on a profound level, while also creating songs that commands the dance floor.
As the new year draws near, it seemingly begins to look like 2024 might be the year of Kita Alexander. Recently announcing her debut album, 'Young In Love', set to debut early next year with a national tour, anticipation for what's to come is palpable.
While we may not all possess the vocal prowess of Alexander, there's much to glean from her insight as she shares her experiences with RUSSH, balancing the roles of a full-time artist and mother. She delves into her wellness practices, detailing how she stays rooted in nature and occasionally indulges in guilty pleasures. For Alexander wellness is a holistic pursuit, physically, spiritually, and mentally. And if you don't catch Kita in her element songwriting, you might just find her in her home town of Byron Bay at the beach with her kids.
Here, Alexander walks us through her daily routine where propolis, ceremonial cacao and medicinal mushrooms are her go-to wellness hacks.
Congratulations on your debut album being announced, what does a day in the life look like at the moment for you?
Day in the life at the moment looks like, I wake up early with the kids, I get them fed and then get dinner going early before school drop. If I don’t do school drop, I usually work out and sauna in the morning, then I’m ready by 9:30am to do any emails and things that come my way. The days are going really quicky at the moment because we don’t really have any help, so the days are busy and they’re long… then I do school pick-up and dinner is pretty much on straight away. I like to read at night to wind down and then hopefully I’m asleep by 9pm, that’s my goal because I feel like I need lots of sleep.
When you’re tired or rundown what is your wellness hack?
I have a pretty strict regime of keeping on top of my health, so I don’t get rundown but if I do get rundown, I take propolis three times a day and gargle colloidal silver. This is on top of my daily routine.
What does your daily health and wellness routine look like?
Every morning I’ve just started putting my feet in the earth and I do some Wim Hof Breathing for about eight minutes, and get the morning sun, really early. I find those three things; grounding, light, and breathing help massively and I feel like that’s been helping when I feel run down. I have lots of little hacks, I sauna a lot, cold shower, and take medicinal mushrooms, Chaga specifically. I also take Liposomal vitamin c and VegeNAC.
What’s the best advice on health and wellness you have received?
I feel like I’m receiving health and wellness advice all the time – from my husband who is a professional athlete to my doctor who is a renowned specialist in woman who are trying to conceive or who have had children. His name is Dr. Oscar Serrallach, I’m always learning new thing from him. The best advice is probably to get outside in the morning sunlight and put my feet in the ground, first thing when I wake up because it helps your circadian rhythm and helps you feel better about your day. I think as soon as we wake up, we don’t ever really get outside and if we do, if we’re exercising we put on shoes and are never really connecting with the earth.
Are there any unconventional wellness practices that you are benefiting from lately?
Yes! I’ve just discovered Ceremonial Cacao and I’m obsessed with it because of its high antioxidants and that it also helps stop sugar cravings and gives you energy. It’s a real spiritual thing as well. It’s very unconventional but I literally discovered it a week ago and am obsessed.
What’s your favourite guilty pleasure?
It’s usually chocolate, just Cadbury chocolate. Also, a dirty hashbrown from McDonald’s, I love them so much.
What’s one wellness product/practice you can’t live without?
If I’m travelling, I always bring propolis because it can stop a sore throat eventuating into a cold for me.
Do you find that your environment impacts your health/wellbeing? Where are some of your favourite places to escape when you need to clear your mind?
100 per cent! If I’m touring or have if I’ve got a really busy schedule, if I’m in the city, I will find any patch of dirt or a tree. This sounds so hippie of me, but I’ll put my hands on it or put my feet in the dirt and just close my eyes and connect for a second with myself and the earth. That really helps clear my mind. When I’m in the city I feel completely whack, so I’ll always try and go to a park or walk barefoot. If I’m walking barefoot down a path, I’ll always just step on the grass next to it.
Do you have any icons you look up to for health or wellness? Who are they and why?
Gwyneth Paltrow. I’m obsessed with Goop and I have been for a long time. She can sell me on a lot of products, I’ve tried so many things that have been recommended from her. I’ve always loved her newsletter and love that she’s always trying new things. I think with health and wellness, you have to try a lot of things to find what works for you and you have to usually try them for about 6 months to see any benefits. She’s always finding new fun things; I love her so much.
What does wellness mean to you?
Wellness means feeling the best you can feel. Feeling energised, feeling happy, and feeling calm. I find I do all of these things to help with my being, just every day I want to feel the best I can feel.
How do you keep fit/ healthy? Does exercise form a large part of your routine?
I try and do 20 minutes of exercise every weekday because I feel like it gets me started for a workday. It gets my routine started, and my mindset in a really good pace. I’m not a huge fan of exercising so 20-30 minutes is pretty much my max. I do one arm day, one leg day, and then I always do core every day because I think that’s so important for stability, mobility, and not getting pain in your body. Then I’ll do two days of jumping on the trampoline with my kids because apparently that’s 60% better than running or any cardio and it’s also really good lymphatic drainage situation for your body.
Then one day a week I’ll just try and go for a walk on the beach barefooted with the kids or just in nature, I’ll try and Zen out and do a calm 20 minutes. I don’t know if it’s enough but for my body I really like that, and anything that's really hard cardio or if I spend too long exercising it actually has a negative effect on my wellbeing. I get exhausted, I wanna sleep, I’m moody and grumpy, so keeping it to a short 20-minutes is super helpful.