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May You Live In Interesting Times: inside the 2019 Venice Biennale

Last month, the art world descended on Venice to celebrate the week long launch of 58th Biennale of ArtSet across the back drop of Venice, the Biennale is a visual feast of new and old art, requiring an almost athletic ability to navigate innumerable exhibitions and social occasions. From private dinners at grand palazzos and heaving nights on the terrace at the Bauer Hotel, Venice, for this moment, takes a nod to its past as the cultural link to the East and West, and a stronghold of the artistic community. 

Arts insider and Communications Collective director, Genevieve Brannigan, takes us inside one of the most significant events on the arts calendar. The 2019 Venice Biennale, May You Live In Interesting Times, will run until  November 24, 2019.

"Arriving to a washed out Venice."

"Exploring Venice by boat."

"Art everywhere, [photography] Josh Black."

"Venice Opera House."

"Flower power at the Hotel Danielle Venice."

"Midnight in Venice."

"New art and old art, Fragile Future III by Studio Drift."

"Dreamy moments in Venice."

"Beaded curtain by Felix Gonzalez at Palazzo Grassi."

"Hotel Danelli."

"James Lee Byars, [photography] Jerome Sans."

"Hotel rooms became the location for many of the best art parties."

"New York artist Martine Gutierrez's self portrait Body en Thrall. [Photography] Jermone Sans."

"New York artist Martine Gutierrez in front of her work, [photography] Jermone Sans."

"Pre party."

"Self serve bar at Hauser and Wirth party."

"Polizia di Stato guarding the banks of the arsenale."

"Martine Gutierrez, [photography] Josh Black."

"Saint Marks Square at night. Pic Genevieve B."

"Self portrait, Japanese artist Mari Kataysms."

"The hand painted ceilings of a private palazzo in Venice."

"Much needed pitstop."

"The lush interiors of Metropole."

"Surrounded by Carlo Scarpa masterpieces in Treviso."