It’s undeniable that the most efficient and sure way to save money naturally comes from not spending it. But at the end of the day, that's just not practical. We each have bills, unexpected crises, costly events, and necessary items that require us to spend those hard-earned funds. Instead of criticising yourself for every dollar over budget that you spend, change your mindset, and look at ways to spend now, resulting in saved funds in the long run. Often, it’s as easy as a simple swap out.
Below, we share with you our best suggestions on home items and homewares you can invest in now, that will save you money in the long-run.
Drying rack
Clothes dryers are one of the most energy-sucking appliances that exist in your household, not to mention the impact on the environment. You can take the pressure off both your wallet and the planet, by purchasing a drying rack. Although it’s a little more time consuming to hang them out and wait for them to dry, not to mention dependent on the weather, it’s also better for your garments meaning they’ll last longer, saving you more money in the long run as you’re not constantly re-purchasing clothes.
Low flow showerhead
According to Green Planet Plumbing, the average shower in Australia can use up to 64.2 litres of water per wash. While there are money-saving strategies to lower your quarterly rates bills and minimise water waste such as only showering for as long as a 4-minute song, you could also purchase a low flow showerhead. Offering a significant drop in your water consumption, low flow shower heads work to restrict the flow of water in the shower minimising the amount of water used.
Drain protector and hair catcher
We all dread having to call a plumber, knowing the fees that come with the call-out, service and replacement parts. Although when an issue within the home occurs and a professional is required it’s a bill we have to cop. If you can prevent or postpone this service you can save yourself a lot of money in the long run. No matter how much brushing you do before you wash your hair, we often find numerous strands and clumps coming out and flushing into the drain, ultimately clogging it. A drain protector or cover works to block the hair from slipping down the pipes, and preventing you from having to fish it out each time you wash. When you’re finished, simply remove the cover, drop the hair into a bin, rinse the protector and then reinsert.
Smarter lighting- motion sensor, LED, solar powered
Whether you’re constantly switching off lights that have been left on to save on your electrical bill, or simply using a lot of electricity to light your home, there’s no denying that the utility bills do add up. LED lights are one of today’s most energy-efficient technologies and according to energy.gov.au they use roughly 75% less energy than halogen light bulbs and can last 5 to 10 times longer, saving you the cost of constantly purchasing new bulbs as well as reducing your quarterly bill.
Solar power is a renewable form of light, removing the cost of replacing bulbs as the sun will always rise each morning and power the lights. Installing solar lights at your home means that this unlimited source of energy won’t deplete, unlike electricity and other finite resources. Not only are you saving funds, but you’re reducing your carbon footprint at the same time.
Motion sensor lights are also a great option that use infrared or heat to detect movement, which then works to turn them on, working on an as-need-basis. It removes the issue of forgetting to turn off lights as you leave the room, saving valuable funds and electricity for the forgetful.
Beeswax wraps
Keeping food fresh is a necessity, as well as protecting it in your bag when bringing your sandwich or wrap to work. However, clingwrap seems a necessary evil to both the wallet and the environment and according to Superbee the average family uses 24 rolls of cling wrap per year, adding up to approximately $100 annually. An alternative are biodegradable, plastic-free beeswax wraps that are both natural and waste-free. Made from organic cotton sheets infused with beeswax, dammar resin and oils such as coconut and jojoba, the average cost of a four-pack of beeswax wraps is $30 and they can be used over and over. You could save yourself roughly $70 per year if you bought a new pack every 12 months, or even more if you take care of the wraps and they last multiple years.
Water bottle with a built-in filter
Wanting to drink filtered water is a choice many make for their health, or simply to avoid the metallic taste of plain tap water, however buying bottle after bottle is not only bad for the planet in terms of waste but is also a huge drain on the wallet. Consider purchasing a jug or water bottle with an in-built water filter, allowing you to have your filtered water at both home and work and to make a one-off purchase rather than a daily water buy.
Important: This content has been prepared without taking account of the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular individual. It does not constitute formal advice. Consider the appropriateness of the information in regard to your circumstances.
This story was originally published on Tilly Money. Read more from Tilly Money like the difference between good and bad debt.
Image: eyeswoon