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Georgia O’Keeffe: Living Modern, NY

Georgia O’Keeffe has never allowed her life to be one thing and her painting another.” – Frances O’Brien, portrait artist and longtime friend.

Georgia O’Keeffe is the pioneering modernist artist whose aesthetic sensibilities extended well beyond the canvas. From her wardrobe to her living spaces to the way she posed for the camera, her preference for elemental shapes, clean lines and organic silhouettes infused every aspect of her being. She is known best for her flower paintings – large-scale, close-up and highly detailed as though observed through the convex lens of a magnifying glass. There are also the dramatic cityscapes, glimmering desert landscapes, and animal bones set against the remote New Mexican sky – many of which are now on view at the Brooklyn Museum alongside highlights from sixty years of her wardrobe and various photographic portraits made of O’Keeffe over the course of her career.

Georgia O’Keeffe: Living Modern is on view through July 23.